Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash When texting friends you never want to copy and paste the same message every day, and starting with a simple ‘hello’ doesn’t always promote conversation. Sometimes the hardest part is getting the conversation started. This list of text messages will help you overcome that hurdle. The text messages below are separated by mood and situation. Simply browse through the list to find one that is appropriate for the situation! Once you get the ball rolling, you will find the conversation rolling along in no time.

Kind Texts to Show You Care

Kindness is a great way to start an uplifting conversation with your friends. Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels CCO Public Domain Send them a compliment, remind them that you care, or be a little silly. End the message with a question. This encourages them to respond and shows that you value their opinion.

Uplifting Messages for a Pick-Me-Up

Sometimes your friends need to be cheered up. In those situations, it might be difficult to know what to say. These text messages are meant to give you an idea of how to give your friends a little pick-me-up. Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash Just reaching out and showing you care might make all the difference. Try motivating your friends with one of these text messages.

Inspirational Video to Get You in the Mindset to Text Message Friends

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Meghan Schiereck, via © 2021 Ruby Oliver

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