Many Android users question whether to root their devices because while it is convenient on the backend, it can be inconvenient on the frontend. But if you go ahead and root your mobile, you will discover a new world awaiting you. This post will move past the problems of rooting (that’s for another day) and instead focus on the benefits. If you are looking for the right reason to root your mobile then read on. Because today we will discuss 12 reasons to root your Android mobile.

12 Benefits of Rooting

1. Customizing ROM

ROM (Read-Only Memory) is the storage that comes built in to a device during manufacturing. Most people can easily customize the ROM on the mobile root and this offers many benefits. For example, you can install and use many new items and features of an Android.

2. Customize Everything to Your Liking

Once you root your mobile you will have the opportunity to customize everything on your phone to your liking. You can also change the system levels, such as the Navigation Button, Lock Screen, Quick Setting, Notification Shade, Status Bar, Launcher, and many more. There are tweaks for display, media, and power saving.

3. Stay in Control of the Kernel

The kernel is a key component of the Android device. You know it. The kernel creates a connection between hardware and software that helps create a better system. However, when you root your Android, you will be given the power to install a custom kernel, which will allow you to adjust far more of the device’s features.

4. Boost Performance

By now you must know how to manage the kernel well. Android is always looked down upon for its low performance. But if you want you can make a more advanced version of your Android and boost its performance, you will need to root.

5. Explore New features

The main purpose of rooting your device is to enable you to use many new features. This is a major benefit that inclines users toward rooting.

6. Access More and More Apps

There are 2.5 billion apps in Google Play Store that are accessible for non-rooted devices. But some apps, such as DriveDroid, DiskDigger, and Migrate, can only be accessed when you root your device.

7. Improve Your Battery Performance

Android users are always complaining about battery optimization. If you are one of those people and you worry about the efficiency of your phone, then you should root your device now. Rooting will dramatically increase the battery performance.

8. Remove Malware Apps and Ads From Your Mobile

System apps and malware apps can cause a variety of problems on your device if you don’t have enough space. However, rooting will remove malware apps.

9. Keep a Backup of Everything

Many types of apps can be fully backed up on a rooted device. Epsguko will back up all your data.

10. Enable Camera2PI

Since everyone is more interested in Google Camera, many users want to install the latest GCam on their mobile. If you root your mobile then you can easily install the camera on your device.

11. Access the Pixel Feature

If you want to enjoy Pixel, you must root your device. You can access any Pixel feature and this will make your device more useful and attractive.

12. Override System Apps

This seems to me to be the biggest reason for rooting the Android device. There is an app that offers a feature available in other countries but is only available here upon rooting. If not rooted, the feature will not be uploaded to Google Play Store. Rooted Android devices can handle and access far more features and apps than non-rooted devices. While there are disadvantages and pitfalls to avoid during the rooting process, overall it’s a beneficial move if you know what you’re doing. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Md Ifran

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