Photo by Below are four major ways in which computers are helpful for your kids.

1. Learning in a Fun Way

Plato believed that the most efficient method of instruction was for a youngster to play amid beautiful things. While he presumably wasn’t thinking electronically at the time, the advent of cost-efficient audiovisual PCs has allowed youngsters to play among beautiful things while also learning vital knowledge and abilities that will serve them well in any business or profession they choose. It makes learning more fun and enjoyable. With an increasing number of youngsters growing up in homes with a computer of some kind, computers are fast becoming ubiquitous. However, for parents who wish to assist their youngsters at home or at school, the seemingly endless array of technological possibilities can be depressingly overwhelming.

2. Employment Skills for the Future

It’s now feasible to have an excellent computer career that isn’t related to science, programming, or accounting. Computers can help you enter into a whole new ecosystem of occupations that are emerging around game development, audiovisual production, digital film, and Internet publication. Computers and digital technology have become commonplace in these and other conventional industries, such as journalism, film, television, publishing, advertising, design, and music. And, in the future, there are likely to be few jobs or occupations that do not demand some level of technological proficiency.

3. Helpful for Education

Paradoxically, the technological age is creating demand for “renaissance males and females” who have a strong knowledge base and a broader skill set that will allow them to switch occupations and move from place to place with ease and effectiveness that earlier generations could not imagine. Today, probably more than at any other period in recent times, education must focus on teaching children how and where to learn and develop study abilities that will enable them to obtain the information they require.

4. Faster Learning

It’s not uncommon to find three- and four-year-olds cheerfully using painting applications, even saving and creating files. In many ways, having a computer at home can assist older students with their homework on almost any topic, just as having books at home can assist them with reading and research. A PC may provide a creative focus or outlet for even tough youngsters who express an interest in formal classes, thanks to its expanding multidimensional and collaborative qualities. This desire to ‘give the kids the best’ in regarding education is a feeling that many computer companies are delighted to capitalize on, with many of them marketing PCs as the ‘perfect instrument for education.’ Then there’s the reality that a lot of parents use their children’s schooling as an excuse to acquire a PC so they can play Dread. However, buying equipment is just half the story, and in the case of home computers, the accompanying software is just as crucial as the technology. Previously, the phrase “for educational use” was regarded by computer companies to indicate “last year’s leftover stock with a copy of Encarta squished in.” However, as the residential market has grown, several manufacturers have believed that education has its own set of requirements and are now providing systems by combining strong hardware with a wide selection of included software with a noticeable academic or informational bent. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Mar

4 Ways Computers and Digital Tech Are Good for Kids - 10