With the help of the following Notion reading list templates, you can easily build a collection of all of the books you wish to read. With so many Notion reading list templates to choose from, you might not be sure where to start. To help you make the right choice, here is a list of the best reading list templates that you can find online. Each of these templates will help you get control of your Notion reading list. Now, you can easily keep all of the books you wish to read in one simple list you can refer to at any time. Here, I’ll cover the following Notion book templates:

1. Book Tracker

The best place to start is with this book tracker template (find it on Gumroad and search for “Book Tracker”). It looks great, and it can give you an easy way to break down your books with various filters. From rating to author to format and even genre, you have many ways to keep your books organised. Book Tracker is a good template because it works well and gives you many choices for easy editing and control. It’s definitely one to add to your list. It works well, too, because the light and easy-to-look-at nature keep the books visible for you to browse through. While other templates are big on aesthetics, this template keeps it nice and simple so that the books remain the primary focus when you are browsing your reading list.

2. Personal Bookshelf

If you want something that is quite aesthetic to look at, you will love the personal bookshelf template (find on Gumroad and search for “Your reading list”). This looks good, it breaks down the books into an easy-to-use gallery-style design, and it is easy to follow along with. Now, you can easily sort your books out, arrange them into bespoke categories, and generally just make it easier to lay the whole thing out for easy viewing. If the aim is to find a book reading list that you know can be easily sorted and is more image-focused than data-driven, then this is one that you should definitely add to your list. This is a great starting place for most students, too. It can easily help you break down the key factors that matter most when trying to choose which book you intend to read next.

3. Reading Tracker

A great choice for those looking for something different would be the reading tracker template (find this template on The Blank Garden website). This works well because it is so easy to follow along with, and it makes tracking your books very easy. If you are someone who finds it hard to stay on track with deadlines, this is a good Notion template to try out. It helps you to easily set important details to help you understand where you are with each book, when you intend to finish said book, etc. For that reason, you should absolutely try out this particular reading tracker template. It works well as it can be easily followed and built upon, and it also offers you every opportunity to set notes and keep deadlines in mind with regards to when your books should be read. The general concept is solid, and the layout makes it easy to stay true to your aims and get the book read in the time you intended.

4. Basic Reading List

Of course, if you want to keep things very simple, then this reading list template does a good job of that (find it at Notion Everything and search for “Reading list”). With this layout, you just need to include the name of the book, the URL of the book, and the tag that you feel is most suitable. Many people use this for items other than books, too; you could include things like interesting articles, debate articles, and content that you find intriguing. It is a good general reading list builder, and it allows you to leave a few small notes on the side. Again, this is quite a basic design, but it includes all of the features that you likely need. It also comes with some prebuilt tags and styles to easily break down your articles and reading items into the right kind of category.

5. Personal Reading Roadmap

Finally, you should also look into the aesthetic notion template as this is a very easy-to-use solution (find this on Gumroad and search for “Personal Reading Roadmap). It is good for those who want to be more intentional and build little lists for reading books. You can even record notes about each book, making it nice and easy to note down things that you enjoyed about the title. From the story to a plot that you wish to research more to themes and ideas for a blog post, you can use this to build a clear list of what matters to you when reading a book. For that reason, this should definitely be high up on your list of reading list templates. It works well for those who are serious about reading. Perhaps those who are part of a book club can get the most out of this? Reading is great, but trying to keep track of everything you intend to read can mean having a lot of tabs open. This simple list of Notion reading list templates, though, can simplify the process and help you get much closer to where you intend to be in terms of reading deadlines. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Russel Garret

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