Finding new Discord servers doesn’t have to be difficult since there are so many great server finders out there to help you discover new communities for you to partake in. No matter what niche server you’re looking for, these sites can easily help you discover the servers that match what you’re looking for. Let’s get started!

1. Discord Street

Discord Street is a listing which has a sleek interface and easy-to-use UI, which I absolutely adore overall. Each listing gets its own server description, category and also displays the member count too so that you can quickly view the most relevant information about the server as well as its meta-data. They have an easy-to-use filtering system also so that you can sort and filter the servers to find what you’re looking for. For example, if you’re looking for custom emote servers, you could click on the “Emoji” category, and the listing will be filtered so that emote servers will be shown.

2. Discord Servers

Discord Servers is a listing, which provides a fantastic range of servers for you to take a look through. One of my favourite features of this site is that you can search for servers by category, which makes it incredibly easy to filter the listings to get the results you’re looking for. For example, if you’re looking for Minecraft servers, you could click on the “Minecraft” category, and the listings will be filtered so that only these will be shown. Other categories include Chill, Programming and Anime, plus many others! Of course, you can also search by keyword too, if you’d like to find a specific type of server for instance which isn’t listed in the categories.

3. DiscordMe

DiscordMe offers a fantastic range of servers for you to choose from, with new ones being added all the time. Each server listing gets its own description, banner and server icon, and its categories are listed also. This listing also has a cool feature where it’ll select a server at random which you can take a look at. It’s quite a nifty feature overall and is incredibly useful if you just want to see some randomized choices to explore. It’s a cool way to see a great variety of new servers, I must say!

4. Promotion Servers

Promotion servers allow members to post descriptions of their servers, so that other members can take a look at these and see if they’d be interested in joining. In order to find promotion servers, I’d definitely recommend searching for “promotion” in the searchbox of your favourite server listing, and you’ll discover a variety of listings to take a look at! Once you join these, you’ll then be able to explore the listings posted, and many servers may also have dedicated channels for various interests, so if you’re looking for a gaming server, you can then go to the promotion server’s channel for gaming listings and you could then take a look through this.

5. is one of the most popular Discord server listings out there, with a huge range of servers to look through and see if any catch your interest. You can search by keyword or if you’re looking for servers within a particular category, I’d recommend taking a look at the categories available. Some include “Emotes”, “Gaming” and many more.

6. DiscordList

DiscordList provides quite an amazing selection of servers, which you can explore to see if there are any which you may wish to join. You can sort and filter the listings by category, as well as through specific keyword searches also. Some of the categories include Programming, Languages, as well as Anime, too! That said, there are lots of other categories available which I’d recommend you take a look at also, in order to see if there are any which might pique your interest. The site is quite easy-to-use and has a cool UI, so I’d definitely recommend you try it out!

7. Discord Home

Discord Home is another great listing site, which allows you to easily filter by category or search for specific servers too. There is a whole plethora of categories to take a look at, from education and programming to community servers and so much more. I’d definitely recommend taking a look through the various categories available and see if there are any which interest you! Each listing also includes an upvotes section, where members can upvote their favourite servers for instance. The server’s description and categories are also listed for quick viewing too.

8. Discord’s Discover Feature

You can also discover new servers with Discord’s Discover feature! To access this, simply go to your server list in your client and scroll down until you reach a green icon with a compass. Click on this, and Discord’s Discover feature will then appear! You can browse servers by category or search for them using specific keywords too. Lots of popular and official servers for games are available here, so it’s great if you’re looking for the official Minecraft or Fortnite servers, for instance. There are lots of niche servers too, however, so you’re bound to find a server which matches your interests!

8 Discord Server Finders

Hopefully, You’ve Found Some Great Discord Server Finders!

Thanks so much for reading; hopefully, you’ve discovered some fantastic Discord server finders! We’ve covered quite a number here, and as you can see, there are plenty to choose from! If you’d like more in-depth tips and techniques on searching for servers, I’d recommend this article I wrote on how to find Discord servers. Do you have other Discord server finders you’d like to recommend? Make sure to let me know in the comments section below, as I’m always on the lookout for new server finders! Thanks again for reading, and wishing you the very best with your Discord server search! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Susan W

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