AI has become become more prevalent in today’s society. So what is it and where is it going to take us?

The Basics of AI

To start with, AI is machines that perform and achieve tasks that are normally done by humans and require human intelligence. There are four different types of AI used in today’s world:

Reactive Machines

This basic form of AI is only capable of using its intelligence to react to the world in front of it. A reactive AI cannot store memory so therefore it can’t rely on past experiences to make a solid decision. These machines only do a handful of tasks. A google example of this kind of AI is anytime you play against a computer on a video game or PC game.

Limited Memory

This type of AI has the ability to store data but it is limited as the name states. It can gather predictions when aggregating information and then weigh possible decisions from that.

Theory of Mind

This is a theoretical AI, meaning as humans we have not yet achieved the level of technology or science capable to reach this. This type of AI would be able to understand how animals, humans, and other machines feel in order to make decisions. It would all be about machines being able to grasp the concept of the human mind in an emotional sense, not just practical.

Self Awareness

This is another type of AI that we have not achieved yet because we haven’t grasped the theory of mind. This specific type of AI is the AI that most movies are based on. Human-level consciousness and beyond comes with this type of AI. Examples of AI in Action:

Self-Driving cars (Tesla) Conversational Bots Siri, Alexa, Google Home Spam Filters Netflix Recommendations

How Does AI Work?

Around a decade after World War 2, Alan Turing, a famous mathematician, asked the question: “Can machines think?” He then wrote a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence," published in 1950. The paper brought on the Turing test, which established the main goal and vision of artificial intelligence. All AI is a part of computer science with a main goal of answering Turing’s questions, on top of trying to replicate/simulate human intelligence in machinery. In the field of AI, there are four different approaches to go with as stated by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, the authors of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Those four approaches are as follows:

Thinking Humanly Thinking Rationally Acting Humanly Acting Rationally

The first two approaches deal with reasoning while the latter two deal with behavior. They say that the rational parts tend to lead to the best outcome of AI. That is why when you speak to Siri or Alexa, there is always a bit of a distortion. She is acting rationally upon what you said, not emotionally; that’s why you could never have an emotional conversation with your phone because it’s based on reason.

Artificial Intelligence: Two Broad Categories

Narrow AI (“Weak AI”)

Though this type of AI is the most successful in this day and age, it’s limited in what it can do and is only a minor simulation of human intelligence. Narrow AI is focused on performing one singular task. Examples:

Image Recognition Google Search Siri, Alexa, and other personal assistants Self Driving Cars IBM’s Watson

Artificial General Intelligence (“Strong AI”)

Strong AI the type of AI we see in movies such as robots. It has general intelligence and can use that intelligence to solve any problem.

Cool AI Projects

Tesla Humanoid Robot

Elon Musk announced that his company was working on building a robot in human form that could perform repetitive tasks. The robot is set to be done next year and will weigh 125 lbs and can walk at a speed of five miles per hour. The code name for the robot is “Optimus.”


This is an animation companion for children. This would help them build emotional, social, and cognitive skills through play-based learning. It is being developed by a team of child educators and scientists.

JetBot 90 AI+

This is a smart vacuum powered by Intel AI. It uses a combination of sensors and objects recognition. It also comes with 3D sensors to be able to tell the difference between objects.

Virtual Influencer Reah Keem

This is a digital composer and DJ that showcased LG’s advanced CLOi robots at CES 2021. The influencer already has an Instagram following as well as a SoundCloud profile.


A robot that disinfects. It was created in hopes to provide a hospital-grade solution against COVID-19. The robots are available in autonomous and stationary models and have 99.9% accuracy in disinfecting.

NVIDIA Omniverse

A virtual reality space where creators, researchers, engineers, and designers can connect major design tools to collaborate virtually.

Abnormal Security

Based out of San Francisco, this company made an AI system that targets compromised business emails.

AMP Robotics

This project created a robot that can automatically separate plastic cans from cardboard, wood, wires, and batteries.

AI Is Helping Us Grow

Overall AI is a fascinating science that shouldn’t scare us. AI is just trying to help us learn and grow at the end of the day. There are many different forms of AI and most of us use some form or another every day. So step into the 21 century and see what fun AI can be!

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