For instance, asking an AI to draw specific people or characters tends to lead to some … strange results. Now, multiply that by six or seven unique characters, like in the cast of “Friends”, and you have the makings of some excellent, AI-generated comedy.


Much thanks to Jackson McLean for posting this one to TikTok, and for the hearty laughs. The reason for these hilarious abnormalities is because regardless of what your query is input into the AI drawing app, it uses the same process to get to its amalgamated image. This means it’s a mash-up of thousands of images of, say, Courtney Cox as Monica Geller, thus creating Mon-eye-ca. Here’s what the viewers are saying in response. “Gunter is hot tho hahaha,” one viewer felt the need to point out … erroneously — we kid. “Haha, I was hoping for Phebo,” another commenter joked. And finally, this commenter asked the ultimate question: “Not Chanandler Bong?” We too are now wondering about the absence of this critical mischaracterization of another character. At any rate, enjoy the insanity that AI has brought us.