What supplies are used? What happens to the water and soap without a gravitational pull to force it into a drain? And just what does one’s hair look like while attempting to wash it in space? In this TikTok video posted by @exoticmysteries, American Karen Nyberg gives us a demonstration. As one commenter says, “This is so amazing…. More plz.”


As her long blond hair shoots straight up into the air and stays that way, Nyberg applies water, soap, and water again. The water droplets float slowly away in the zero gravity. She combs the soap straight up through her hovering hair. A commenter ponders about how easy it would be to put your hair in a pony tail in zero gravity. Another confesses she was far too engrossed in the video, watching with rapt attention as if this would be something she would have to do someday. There also seems to be a significant sentiment in the comments that the way to deal with hair in space would be to simply leave Earth with a buzz cut.  It probably would be less hassle. We just want to thank the astronaut for giving us a peek in to her day-to-day existence while on a mission. It gives us a whole new perspective on space life. Recommended Articles

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