Edited public domain image via Pixabay I started covering my webcam whenever it wasn’t in use a number of years back, after a number of negative experiences, and I would recommend that others to do likewise. Initially, I just used to stick a piece of electrical tape over the cam, but I quickly decided that it looked trashy, and I needed a more elegant solution. However you achieve it, the truth is that preventing security breaches via webcams is essential. A cover will stop unsavory individuals, organizations, and malware from obtaining access to your laptop and personal data by taking over your webcam. It’s also useful in that you can see that the cam is physically blocked, so you know for sure that it’s out of use when required, providing peace of mind for people like me who make a lot of video calls.

Top 3 MacBook Pro Webcam Covers

Here are my recommendations for webcam covers, based on my experience:

The EYSOFT: Excellent Value for Money The CloudValley: Simple, Minimalist Design The Adorable Panda: Cute and Convenient

I explain my choices in detail below.

The EYSOFT: Excellent Value for Money

The EYSOFT was the first webcam cover that I bought for my MacBook Pro and it turned out to be a great buy. Don’t let the peel and stick technology put you off, this cover is a secure way to protect your privacy for an affordable price. The security issues associated with webcams are serious, not just paranoia, so it felt good to find an elegant solution, rather than just sticking tape over the cam (my previous method).

Pros of the EYSOFT

Super thin and doesn’t interfere with the lid closing. The adhesive is strong enough to connect the cover to the MacBook securely, in my experience. It looks good when fitted and doesn’t draw attention. The slider is very easy to open and close, according to whenever I do or don’t want to use the webcam. It’s easy to clean when needed, it can be taken apart into two pieces and reassembled afterward. I bought a 5 pack for a very agreeable price, enabling me to cover the webcams on my other devices, not just the MacBook Pro.

Cons of the EYSOFT

They can be fiddly to install.

The CloudValley: Simple, Minimalist Design

I’ve used a CloudValley cover slide for the last six months and love this webcam cover slide design. It provides me with peace of mind, works well with my MacBook, and doesn’t upset the overall appearance.

Pros of the CloudValley

I love the simple, minimalist design of this slide cover. It has a low profile appearance that doesn’t attract undue attention. Super thin, doesn’t disrupt opening and closing my MacBook. The adhesive is strong enough to keep the cover slide in place, but doesn’t leave any residue when cover slide is removed. Besides concerns associated with being hacked, it provides peace of mind when you can see that the webcam is physically covered - if you do a lot of video conference calls, as I do. The slide takes a little effort to operate, I see this as a good thing, as I don’t want it to accidentally slip open without my knowledge.

Cons of the CloudValley

The slide cover is tiny and although it’s not complicated to install, it can end up crooked if you are not careful. I used a pair of tweezers to get around this problem.

The Adorable Panda: Cute and Convenient

I’ve listed this cute panda cover mainly because I’ve found it makes a great gift for friends, relatives, and coworkers. The first time I bought a pack of these webcam cover slides was as a birthday present for my daughter. She absolutely loved the gift and this encouraged me to buy it for others. Since then I’ve bought it for friends and coworkers and it’s always been a big hit.

Pros of this Adorable Panda Cover

The cuteness factor is difficult to beat. The panda design gives it a uniqueness compared to the bland functionality of most cover slides. It fits and functions with a MacBook Pro very well. Straightforward to install. Tiny enough not to interfere with opening and closing the MacBook.

Cons of this Cute Panda Cover

While I would highly recommend this cam cover for MacBooks, I wouldn’t recommend it for cell phones. My daughter used it for her smartphone and it came off after a week or so, as it kept getting snagged when she put her phone into and out of her pocket.

3 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Webcam Cover

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2020 Paul Goodman

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