Another tricky part of the job is handling multiple creative duties, which may mean not only does a creator write up content, that person must either shoot photos or design an image to pair with the words. Even the most versatile and experienced professionals in this field will admit, sometimes they need some help. Well, it looks like TikTok user @hannahsocialfolk found some websites that could help execute some of these difficult tasks for content creators.  One of my favorite parts of being in the content and media community is that my peers understand the struggles of the work and are happy to share what they know. These are some really good finds, even if I wouldn’t use them all. The transcribing one is PERFECT for anyone in press-facing roles or journalists trying to pull quotes.  Commenters provided some constructive feedback on the sites mentioned. redcape_dog_grooming_supplies responded, “Photoroom is outstanding, it’s the only app I paid a subscription to and feel I got a good deal at the pro level.” “Quillbot is worth every penny,” endorsed Amrit. sk2k09 gratefully replied, “Thank you so much for this Hannah.”