See if you can make sense of all the confusion in this video posted by TikTok user @zovascompilation.


“Is the Corvette a cop too?! I’m so confused!” writes a commenter. “And who was the guy that ran in front of the cars before they turned?” “What the hell is the Vette doing?” asks another. This user gives credit to a citizen helping the police officers: “True hero for the man sacrificing his Vette.” “Y’all complaining bout the Vette, but don’t realize he could’ve been a former cop trying to help,” surmises a viewer of the video. “The Corvette is trying to stop him, because he’ll get paid for helping a vehicle in pursuit,” suggests another. This person makes an observation: “Honda got that power throwing cars around like that.” “Cop got spawned in the middle of chaos,” notices a user. One video watcher says this is the “best Honda commercial I’ve seen for real.” “There is way too much going on in this video,” says a reader confused by all the action. Recommended For You

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