Lifecycle of Debain 9 Stretch

The Debian development team is making hard work to make the final release out. Finally, they reach near to its release date. On Nov 09, 2014 its codename was announced. Below is the lifecycle of Debian 9 before the release. About release date Debian Release Management says As always, Debian 9 “Stretch” will be released “when it’s ready”.

Upgrade to Debian 9 Stretch:

Visit following tutorial to upgrade from Debian 8 Jessie to Debian 9 Stretch.

Upgrade from Debian 8 to Debian 9

What’s New in Debian 9 Stretch:

The new Debian 9 (Stretch) release is coming with lots of new packages. This distribution includes more than 15k new packages. Stretch is again shipping with multiple desktop environments like GNOME 3.22, KDE 5.8, Xfce 4.12, MATE 1.16 and LXDE. Below is the list of few updates coming in this release.

MariaDB 10 will replace MySQL. GNU GCC 6 compiler now default. PHP 7.0 will be default version. Python 3.5 will be default. Firefox 50 will be default available. JAVA 8 (openJDK) will be default available. Linux kernel image will be from 4.9 series. and many more…

For more details visit Debian 9 official web pages:

Debian 9 Stretch Release Date  Features and Upgrade Steps   TecAdmin - 98