The video is posted on TikTok by @hurd62 and has elicited reactions such as the following: “I thought my car caught on fire when mine went off,” writes commenter @trinity819. “LMAO, same,” recalls @alphakenybudy. “I crashed on the highway and literally jumped out of the car (on the highway) because of of the smoke. I thought it was on fire.” “Same!” exclaims I don’t know how I got out of the car but I remember thinking ‘fire!’" “I do have a question, to be honesst,” remarks @616_lorogers. “Why is there smoke and what is it?” The uploader of the video, @hurd62, replies,“It’s a powdered lubricant that is stored in the airbag so that when the bag deploys it’ll be smooth.” Video viewer @julian_markoz had an airbag go off in his car and he says, “It was one of the most scary experiences of my life.” All this being said, and the common experience with thinking the car was on fire aside, airbags save thousands of lives every year. We post videos such as these as part of our coverage because we hope there are specific behaviors drivers can learn and implement to help make our roads safer for all of us. Recommended For You

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