When you block a video or channel, you will no longer see that video on the YouTube Kids apps when you are signed in. It’s a problem with YouTube, that all videos may not be appropriate for children. You child may be watching some unsuitable material. It could be anything (adult videos or graphical images of violence). Of course you don’t want that, so, let’s learn how to block inappropriate content on YouTube.

Block YouTube Videos

If you are constantly shown the same suggestions again and again even when you tell it you’re not interested, clear the history.


As a parent, you have two options, YouTube Kids or to set standard YouTube to Restricted Mode. YouTube Kids is an app for Android and iOS that creates a semi walled garden of child safe content. If you use a mobile device, this is definitely the way to go. If you use a browser, you will need Restricted Mode.

You must be signed in to the YouTube Kids app to block videos or channels. When you block a video or channel, you will no longer see it in the YouTube Kids app when you are signed in.   The Safety Mode in YouTube is a great option but it isn’t fool proof yet. This is because YouTube relies on the “crowd sourcing” model to determine age-restricted content.