Read this: How to Install CSF Firewall on Linux

Step 1 – Install Required Perl Modules:

CSF UI required some of Perl modules to be installed on your system. Use the following commands to install required modules as per your operating system. Debian based systems: Redhat based systems:

Step 2 – Enable CSF Firewall Web UI:

To enable CSF web UI edit /etc/csf/csf.conf file in your favorite text editor and update the following values. After making changes, edit /etc/csf/ui/ui.allow configuration file and add your public IP to allow access to CSF UI. Change OUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS with your public IP address. Web UI works under lfd daemon. So restart the lfd daemon on your system using the following command.

Step 3 – Access and Use Web UI:

Now, access CSF UI on your browser with the specified port. For this tutorial, I have used 1025 port. This will prompt for user authentication first. After successful login, you will find the screen like below.

Allow IP Address – You can use below option to allow any IP quickly. This add the entry in /etc/csf/csf.allow file.

Deny IP Address – You can use below option to deny any IP quickly. This add the entry in /etc/csf/csf.deny file.

Unblock IP Address – You can use below option to quickly unblocked any IP which is already blocked by CSF.

How to Enable CSF Firewall Web UI   TecAdmin - 4How to Enable CSF Firewall Web UI   TecAdmin - 41How to Enable CSF Firewall Web UI   TecAdmin - 44How to Enable CSF Firewall Web UI   TecAdmin - 73