By Glen Cartons-Peters, via Unsplasy Sometimes drivers, network devices, and auto-configuration services can’t work properly for some reason and this error occurs. Your Ethernet device may have a problem or problem with the router for IP configuration in rare cases. This error also occurs when the computer cannot communicate properly with the router.

Solution 1: Restart Computer and Router

This is the easiest way to start troubleshooting this issue. Try to restart both the computer and router and check again for IP error. In 50 percent of cases, it solves the problem.

Solution 2: Check Network Adopter Settings

Solution 3: Reinstall Network Adopter

If there are any problems with the network adopter, this step will solve the issue.

Solution 4: Renew IP Address From the Command Prompt

If you have tried to change the IP address manual but cannot solve the issue, try this solution. By Stephen Phillips, via Unsplash

Solution 5: Enable DHCP (if Disabled)

DHCP must be enabled to configure your network and assign your IP address automatically.

Solution 6: Run the Troubleshooter

Solution 7: Run a Disc Scan

Solution 8: Run SFC Scan

Solution 9: Disable Your Antivirus Software

Sometimes antivirus software blocks some network files and other core system files, so to solve the error, try disabling the antivirus software.

Solution 10: Update BIOS (Use Extreme Caution)

Ethernet does not work properly in rare cases if there is a problem with BIOS, so updating it is necessary. Be very careful about updating BIOS because a little mistake can break the entire BIOS setup.

More Ethernet Troubleshooting Tips

For a quick fix, first, restart the router, unplug and re-plug the Ethernet cable.

See if there is any sign of damage in the cable; change the cable if necessary. Check Ethernet port for both router and computer. Try reinserting the Ethernet cable couple of times and see if the problem solves.

In rare cases, it may be a problem with the router’s firmware.

Try to upgrade the firmware of the router to the latest version. In the router settings, there are settings like access control settings (ACL). Try disabling this setting and restart the router. Swap the LAN port and try to connect again. See if other devices are blocking your computer from accessing and assigning IP addresses.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2021 Dhruv Joshi

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