Blue Screen of Death includes several types of errors that result in system failure. It can occur at any time without any prior warning. One such error is the Page Fault in Nonpaged Area on Windows 11. The effective remedy, in this case, is to identify the problem and find a solution. The BSODs usually display a stop code without explaining the true cause. You’re expected to search for the stop code and resolve the issue on your own. And we’re here to make that easier for you. Usually, the error occurs when a driver or a service attempts to access a non-existent page file that should’ve been there in the system. A damaged RAM may also cause this issue, resulting in a system crash or failure. But don’t worry. We have discussed below several fixes that you can try to resolve the matter. So keep on reading to find out!

1. Roll Back or Update Your Drivers.

The most common reason many users face the Page Fault in Nonpaged Area Error on Windows 11 is faulty, outdated, or incompatible drivers. If you recently upgraded any driver, it is best to uninstall it and reinstall the older version. Follow the steps below to do so: On the other hand, if you didn’t upgrade any driver earlier, it might be outdated or damaged. In this situation, install the latest version by following these steps:

2. Check Your Disk And Repair If Needed.

The primary location of the page file is your system boot drive. But, sometimes, corrupted sectors on the boot drive can result in missing page file data causing the BSOD error. In this scenario, it is recommended to check your disk for any possible errors and repair if needed by running a few scans on the system. Here’s how:

3. Select a Custom Size For Page File.

The page file on your hard drive is managed by Windows by default. It depends on factors like the available storage and the memory needed by the system. However, at times, it can cause issues like a BSOD error. To combat this, you can try assigning a custom size for the page file to see if that works. Here are the steps you should follow:

4. Reseat the RAM.

As mentioned earlier, problems related to RAM can also result in BSOD errors. This includes overclocking, changed timings, newly installed RAM sticks, etc. Fortunately, there’s a way to fix this, but it requires opening up your PC.  So if you’re willing to do that, then here’s what you need to do:

5. Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

If the above method didn’t prove useful, use the in-built Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test the RAM. The program runs a test on your system memory to help identify the actual cause behind the BSOD error. Below are the steps you need to follow:

6. Remove All Virtual Drives.

The third-party applications you install on your system also install virtual drive drivers alongside. Sometimes, these can be misrecognized by your Windows, affecting your system memory.  Now there are quite a few ways you can adopt to remove these virtual drivers from your PC. You can uninstall the associated program or only remove the virtual drives from Device Manager or the Disk Management utility. Here’s how to uninstall drives from the Device Manager:

7. Reset Your PC.

Resetting your PC should be your last resort to get your PC to function again properly. It enables you to re-establish a connection between the BIOS and the hardware. By doing so, it fixes issues related to large applications or with the operating system overall. Here’s how to do it: This brings us to the end of our guide on how to fix page fault in nonpaged area error on Windows 11. In case of other questions or concerns, use the comments sections below. We’ll be glad to provide further assistance.  If this guide helped you, please share it. 😊