Don’t panic and run out and buy a new TV just yet. Typically, problems like this can be corrected by checking the cables and wires connecting your smart TV and making sure they are secure. This article is going to break down a few reasons why your screen is turning green, and then explain ways you can fix the issue yourself. We will be focusing primarily on the Samsung Plasma, but most television models require the same troubleshooting techniques to fix tech problems. Keep reading to get to know your TV just a little bit better than you did before.

Why Is My TV Screen Green?

A green screen may be a nuisance but it’s not a death knell for your television. There are plenty of logical explanations for why your screen has turned green and this article is going to break them down for you. Sometimes the answer is short and sweet while other times you have to look a little bit closer to resolve the issue.

Problems With Cable Connections

The cables that connect from the external portions of the TV to the internal portions need to be clean and secured for the cables to function properly. The HDMI cord that connects from your television to the cable box or Wi-Fi system is what gives the smart TV life. The connection enables you to stream and play video feedback. When the cables are loose or dust has invaded the outlet where they connect, it can interfere with the video feedback and give your screen a green tint.

Picture Settings Are Oversaturating

The green tint you’re seeing on your television screen can be an effect of oversaturated picture settings. Every Samsung has a screen for programming your televisions settings to the way you like them. However, sometimes we adjust the TV’s settings incorrectly and that can cause the screen to turn green. The color green can be oversaturated when the HDR+ mode, RGB Only mode, or brightness settings are too high. Simply adjusting your brightness and turning off the HDR+ and RGB Only modes off can solve your green screen problem.

The Hue Has Been Set to Green

Another setting that can be adjusted on any television is the Hue or Tint. The Hue/Tint can be found under the picture settings on a Samsung television. The Hue is responsible for how green and red images appear on your screen. The Hue/Tint has a default setting on most TVs of 0. This default setting keeps the screen from appearing too red or too green. If the Tint settings are adjusted to anything above or below 0, it may be the reason you are seeing a green tint or hue on all your channels.

Incorrect Settings

The picture settings on any television are important features that keep colors from distorting on the screen. Incorrect picture settings like the contrast, hue, and brightness can cause the screens colors to look distorted. Saturation can have an unwanted effect on how the colors appear on the screen. Whether the settings were changed by kids pushing buttons on the remote or because a movie just didn’t look right, going into your TV’s settings and re-adjusting can solve a host of your color distortion issues.

TV Isn’t Receiving a Normal Video Feed

Nine times out of ten the problem with any TV having a green screen is because the video feed is not functioning properly. This can be because of loose cable connections or a faulty HDMI cord. You can check this theory out by changing out the HDMI cords connecting your television to the wifi or cable box. If the cables are working your problem may be because of a weak signal from the server or input device. Contacting your cable or internet provider is the best solution to this problem.

Part of the Video Feed Has Gone Down

Are you seeing only half the channels or streaming services you pay for? Wondering why some of the video feed is up and running and the other part is down? Maybe half the screen you can see and the other half you can’t? One reason behind this is the picture size in the settings is not adjusted properly. 16:19 is the standard setting for picture size on most Samsung models. This puts the TV at 16:9 wide mode, while the setting 4:3 will set it to normal mode. According to Samsung’s website, there are a number of other ways you can set the picture settings.

Wide Zoom magnifies the picture without changing the aspect ratio. Zoom magnifies the entire picture to fit the screens standard settings. Screen Fit is the function to use when you want to see the entire image without any cutoff.

TV Screen Is Damaged

If you have a damaged screen either internally or externally it can cause problems with the video feedback on your screen. When the video feedback is not functioning properly the screen will show vertical and horizontal white lines, a partially blacked out screen, and color distortion. The screen may be cracked on the outside or mechanically broken on the inside, either way this problem may cost you more to fix than you bargained for.

How to Fix a Green TV Screen

Taking your TV to a repair shop tends to be more expensive than the television itself. You always have the option of purchasing a new TV, but like most families in America, running out and spending money on a new TV isn’t always ideal. Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash The cost of a long-lasting, durable 52-inch Samsung model is 400.00 before taxes online. If LG is your thing, be prepared to pay 500$ for their 55-inch model. Generally speaking, finding the issue and fixing it yourself is the most inexpensive idea on the table. That’s why this article includes some quick tips on fixing a green screen. Follow these easy DIY instructions and you’ll be settled back into your Netflix routine before you know it.

Power-Cycle Your Television

Sometimes that simple unplug/re-plug idea isn’t as useful as we’d like it to be and a stronger reset is needed to solve this problem. A power-cycle, also known as a soft reset, can usually fix any green screen issues you’re experiencing. All you have to do is turn off the television using the remote control, then proceed to unplug your TV for no less than 60 seconds. With your TV still off, you’re going to hold down the power button on the side of the TV for no more than 10 seconds. Make sure this step is completed by pressing the power button directly on the TV, otherwise it won’t have the same effect. What this does essentially is drain any remaining power from the TV, forcing the smart device to completely reset. Plug the TV back in and see if it’s green!

Look Out for Loose HDMI Cables & Connections

If your TV is not properly hooked up to its Wi-Fi connection, the video feedback won’t always function properly. Sometimes it will even leave you staring at a green screen. The HDMI cables connecting the external parts of the TV to the internal parts of the TV need to be secure and dust-free in order to sustain a decent connection. Weak or missing connections can lead to color distortions and green video feedback. Sometimes you can unplug and re-plug the cords to give them a fresh connection, if that doesn’t do the trick try switching out cables to see if the cord itself was faulty.

Disable HDR+ Mode

HDR+ mode is a setting on the TV that can trigger a green screen. Heading into your TV’s Expert settings and disabling this feature can be a quick fix to the problem.

Update Your TV’s Firmware

Just like your cell phone and computer has an operating system that enables it to function, a television has firmware. Firmware is what lets you use features like Wi-Fi and app streaming. If your television is running on outdated firmware the features won’t run properly and you may run into glitches that cause your screen to turn green. To update your firmware simply follow these steps. The TV will automatically update, turning itself off and back on again when it’s complete. Be patient this process can take a few minutes to finish.

Factory Reset

If none of the above tips and tricks have helped you solve your green screen problem, the next option you have is completing a factory reset from your TV’s settings. A factory reset takes your TV’s software and applications back to its default settings. Each model of TV has a different way of resetting the TV back to its default. For Samsung users, follow these simple steps: The television will turn off by itself once the factory reset has begun. Do not turn the TV on manually—it will automatically power on when the reset is complete. The initial start-up screen will be displayed, and the user will have to enter in their information to proceed. A factory reset is more than just restarting the TV—it is a complete erasure of all data and information followed by a reset of applications back to the original default settings. This is like purchasing the TV brand new again; it’s a fresh start with an updated and glitch free smart TV. If you own a different model or brand of television, google the make and model for instructions on how to do a factory reset.

Save Money and Fix It Yourself

A green screen can be a nuisance to say the least, but it’s not always a reason to run and replace your television. Try out some of the tips and tricks I’ve outlined in this article, and you’ll be back to watching your favorite dramas in no time. Make it your next do it yourself project, get the kids involved and learn something new. It’s not every day the TV screen turns green and gives you an opportunity to brush up on those tech skills. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Holly Byrne

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