Chromium is perfectly safe for using. Make sure to download it from a good source or official Google download page. Also make sure to update it on regular basis. This tutorial will help you to install chromium web browser on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Linux system.

Installing Chromium on Ubuntu

The Ubuntu 18.04 operating systems contains chromium browser under the default package repositories. It also available as Snap package for Ubuntu systems Its your choice to choose any one of the below methods to install chromium browser in Ubuntu system.

Install Chromium using Snap PackageA Snap package is containerized software packages provide easy to install method. You can install sanp package via the command line or using Ubuntu Software application.Open a terminal on your system and type:sudo snap install chromium That’s it. The Chromium browser has been installed on your system. Install Chromium using Debian PackageChromium browser debian package is available under the default apt repositories. Just update the apt cache and install browser on your system.Open a terminal and install chromium browser by typing:sudo apt update sudo apt install chromium-browser

Launch Chromium Browser

Search for Chromium under the application. You will see the chromium browser link similar to chrome but in different color as below screenshot: Open a terminal on your system and type: That’s it. The Chromium browser has been installed on your system. Open a terminal and install chromium browser by typing:

Click on the link icon to launch chromium browser:


In this tutorial, you learned two methods of the installation of Chromium browser on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux system.

How to Install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu 18 04   TecAdmin - 98How to Install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu 18 04   TecAdmin - 99