In this guide, we will show you how to install Docker on an Ubuntu 22.04 server. We will start by updating the list of available packages and installing Docker’s dependencies. We will then download Docker’s stable release from their official repository. Finally, we will configure Docker to start automatically at boot time. Let’s get started!

Step 1 – Installing Docker’s Dependencies

Before we start installing Docker, we need to make sure that our server has the latest list of available packages. We can do this by running the apt update command: Docker requires a few dependencies in order to run properly on Ubuntu. We can install all of the required dependencies with the following command:

Step 2 – Adding the Docker Repository

Next, we need to add Docker’s official GPG key so that our server can trust the packages that we will download from Docker’s repository. We can do this with the following curl command: Now that we have Docker’s GPG key, we can add the Docker repository to our server. We can do this with the add-apt-repository command:

Step 3 – Installing Docker on Ubuntu

Now that we have added the Docker repository to our server, we need to update the package index one more time: Now that the package index is up-to-date, we can install Docker with the following command: Docker should now be installed on your Ubuntu server.

Step 4 – Configuring Docker to Start at Boot

By default, Docker is not configured to start automatically when the server boots. We can change this behavior with the systemctl command: Now, Docker will start automatically any time that our server reboots.


In this guide, we have shown you how to install Docker on an Ubuntu 22.04 server. We have also shown you how to configure Docker to start automatically at boot time. Now that Docker is up and running, you can start using it to run your applications in isolated environments.