Step 1 – Install Node.js

For the Ionic application development, systems must have node.js installed. Use the following commands to install NPM and Node.js on your system. You can visit our tutorial to install Node.js on Fedora systems.

Step 2 – Install Cordova on Fedora

Now use the following command to install Cordova on your system using npm command. It will install all other required node modules on your system.

Step 3 – Install Ionic Framework

Ionic provides command-line utilities for creating packages, build and start applications. Use NPM command to install the Ionic framework on the Fedora system. After completing the installation of the Ionic framework, use the following command to check the installed version.

Step 4 – Getting Started with Ionic

Now, You need to create a new Cordova project on your computer using the following command. Now use one of the following commands to enable iOS or Android platform. iOS platform will work on MacOS only. To start Ionic application using ionic serve command: For more details visit