This tutorial will help you to configure the Magento application on your Fedora system.

Step 1 – Install LAMP

First of all, you need to set up a LAMP environment on the Fedora system. You can use the following commands to install Apache web server and PHP from default repositories. Then install PHP and other required PHP modules.

Step 2 – Install MySQL Server

You can use MySQL or MariaDB as the database server for the Magento application. To install the MySQL server run the following command. The default MariaDB database server will be installed. Now start service and complete the initial setup for the database server. Now run below command to complete Mariadb setup: Follow the onscreen instructions. Below is the input required from user:

Enter current password for root (enter for none): [PRESS ENTER] Set root password? [Y/n] y New password: [ENTER YOUR PASSWORD] Re-enter new password: [ENTER PASSWORD AGAIN] Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y

Step 3 – Install PHP Composer

This tutorial required PHP composer to complete the installation. To install the PHP composer on your system execute following commands:

Step 4 – Download Magento 2

You can download the Magento source code from the official Github repository or website. After finishing the download After downloading the archive file, extract it under the website document root. So we can access it directly from the web browser. After placing Magento files in the proper location, use composer to install required libraries The composer installation will take some time. Once the composer finished installation, set the recommended permissions on the files to run with the Apache webserver.

Step 5 – Create MySQL User and Database

We already have MariaDB running on the system and generated the root passwords in previous steps. It’s a good idea to use a separate account for the Magento configuration. Log in to the database server with the root user and create a database and user for the new Magento 2 installation.

Step 6 – Setup Apache VirtualHost

Now create an Apache virtual host for your domain.

Save and close the file. Restart Apache service to reload the configuration.

Step 7 – Run Web Installer

Let’s begin the installation of Magento2 using a web installer. Access your Magento 2 directory on the web browser like below. It will redirect you to the installation start page. 7.1. Agree the License agreement and click on “Agree and Setup Magento”

7.2. Now click on the “Start Readiness Test”. Magento will check for system requirements here. On successful completion, you will see the screen like below then Just click Next. Fix issues if shows on this screen and click Try again.

7.3. Enter your database details here created in step 4.

7.4. The installer will show you the store address (Same as we address). It also generates a random URL for the Admin interface. You can change it as per your requirements. For security reasons, it will not take the URL as admin.

7.5. Create an Admin user with a secure password for your Magento application.

7.6. At this step, Magento is ready for installation. Click on the Install Now button to begin installation and wait for its completion.

7.7. At this step, the Magento installation is completed.

7.8. Finally, it will open the Admin Login screen. Use admin credentials created during the wizard. It will open the Admin panel after successful authentication.

Congratulation! You have successfully configured Magento2 on your Fedora system.

Step 8 – Schedule Cronjobs

Finally, schedule the background cronjobs for your magento2 installation. These cronjobs do some activities like re-indexing, Newsletters, Update currency rates, sending automatic emails and generating sitemaps, etc. To schedule, these jobs edit the crontab file and add the following cronjobs at the end of the file and save it.


This tutorial helped you with step by step installation of the Magento2 application on a Fedora Linux system.

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