
Login to your Fedora system and open a terminal. Now upgrade the current packages to the latest version by running the following command. After that run the following command to install the MySQL 5.7 packages on your systems. This will also install all other required dependencies. Press ‘y’ when prompt for the confirmation to complete installation. Once you start the MySQL server for the first time, an auto-generated password is set for the root account. You can find this password in MySQL logs. Copy this password and use this for the post-installation setup wizard.

Step 2 – Post Installation Setup

The MySQL community server has been installed on your system. Now run the following command to apply security on the MySQL server. Simply execute the below command and follow the security wizard. Enter the root password found in the above step, then set a new password for the MySQL root account. Next, follow the onscreen instructions and Press Y for all other operations to apply improved security.

Enter password for user root: [Enter current root password] New password: [Enter a new root password] Re-enter new password: [Re-Enter the new root password] Estimated strength of the password: 100 Change the password for root ? ((Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : n Remove anonymous users? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y Disallow root login remotely? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y Remove test database and access to it? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y Reload privilege tables now? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y All done!

Step 3 – Connect MySQL Terminal

All done. You can now connect to the MySQL server using the command line. The following command will connect MySQL running on localhost as the root user. This will prompt for the root account password.
