Step 1 – Prerequisites

Before starting the installation of MySQL using this tutorial you must have the following prerequisites

Terminal: You must have Mac Terminal access and little knowledge about working with the terminal application. Homebrew: Homebrew is a popular package management tools used for installing most open source software like Node. Here is the Homebrew installation tutorial

Step 2 – Install MySQL on macOS

At this time of writing this tutorial, Homebrew has MySQL 5.7.21 version in its main repository. Start a terminal and run command to install MySQL: Wait for the installation process finish. Now you just need to configure things so that your MySQL server is auto-started Also, you have to set a strong password for the MySQL root account. Use the following command to set a new password. Make sure to use a strong password.

Step 3 – MySQL Configuration

MySQL server has been installed on your system. The binary files are installed under /usr/local/bin directory and all the MySQL related files are created under “/usr/local/var/mysql” directory. The main confiugration file is created at: You can use above file to customize your MySQL server. Now, Connect to MySQL server using the command:

Step 4 – Manage MySQL Service

There are mysql.server command available under /usr/local/bin directory, which is used to manage MySQL service. You can use mysql.server command with options status, stop, start, or restart MySQL service on your system. All done. You have running MySQL server on your system. What next? Visit our MySQL tutorial section to create and manage databases from the command line.