You can also create an .nvmrc configuration file to auto select Node version. This tutorial help you to install NVM on your system and managing multiple Node.js version.


A running Debian 9 Linux system with shell access. Login with a user account to which you need to install Node.js.

Installing NVM on Debian

Use a shell script to install and configure NVM on your Debian system. Download the shell script from Github and execute on your system. Also, you can download and run this script in single command. Open a terminal and execute below commands. Above script makes all the required environment settings to login script of current logged in user. To apply the settings logout and login again to account or just execute below command to do the same.

Installing Node using NVM

You can install multiple Node.js versions using nvm. And use required version for your application from installed Node.js. Install the latest version of Node.js. Here node is the alias for the latest version. To install a specific version of node: You can choose any other version to install using above command. The very first version installed becomes the default. New shells will start with the default version of node (e.g., nvm alias default).

Working with NVM

You can use the following command to list installed version’s of Node for the current user. With this command you can find available Node.js version for the installation. You can also select a different version for the current session. This will be current active version for current shell only. To find the default Node version set for the current user, type: You can run a Node script with the desired version of node.js using belwo command:


This tutorial explained how to install nvm on Debian 9 Linux system.