This tutorial will help to install the Redis cache server along with PHP Redis extensions on a CentOS 8 Linux machine.


CentOS 8 Linux system with shell access Newly installed system follow the initial server setup steps.

Step 1 – Install Redis on CentOS 8

The latest Redis versions are available under the AppStream repositories of CentOS 8. Now, You can use the DNF package manager to install the Redis server on your system. To install Redis, simply execute the following command on your system: After successfully installation start Redis service and enable auto-start on system reboot. Redis server is up and running on your system.

Step 2 – Install Redis PHP extension

We assume you already have PHP installed on your system. You must have PHP pear package installed on your system. Now, execute commands to enable the Redis PHP extension on your CentOS server. After that execute a command to verify Redis PHP extension is enabled: Redis server has been installed on your system along with the PHP extension.

Step 3 – Configure Redis as a Cache Server

Redis can be started without a configuration file using a built-in default configuration. But to make any extra parameter changes you can use its configuration file that is: /etc/redis/redis.conf. Edit the Redis configuration file in a text editor to make changes Update the following values in the Redis configuration file according to your requirement. You can increase the max memory limit as per available on your server. The above configuration tells Redis to remove any key using the LRU algorithm when the max memory of 256mb is reached. Save the configuration file and restart the Redis service:

Step 4 – Test Connection to Redis Server

Use redis-cli tool to verify the connection between the Redis server and redis-cli.


You have successfully installed the Redis cache server on your CentOS 8 system. If you found the older version installed follow this tutorial.