1. Install Sendmail

If you don’t have installed Sendmail using the following command to install Sendmail with other required packages using yum package manager.

2. Configure Sendmail on Fedora

Before starting configuration we must know about various Sendmail configuration files exists in /etc/mail directory.

access — Allow/Deny other systems to use Sendmail for outbound emails. domaintable — Used for domain name mapping for Sendmail. local-host-names — Used to define aliases for the host. mailertable — Defined the instructions that override routing for particular domains. virtusertable — Specifies a domain-specific form of aliasing, allowing multiple virtual domains to be hosted on one machine.

2.1 Comment out below line in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc to allow receiving email from anywhere. To comment a line in sendmail.mc, just put dnl at start of line. 2.2 Add this line also in sendmail.mc above ‘MAILER’ option 2.3 Add your PC’s full hostname in this file.

3. Recompile Configuration File

m4 ia a macro processor to compile the Sendmail configuration files. m4 is stream-based, that is, it doesn’t understand about lines. Restart Sendmail service

4. Configure Domain-based E-mail Routing

As we read above that virtusertable file used for aliasing, allowing multiple virtual domains to be hosted on one machine.

  1. All emails addressed to @example.com domain delivered to [email protected]@example.com [email protected] 2. All emails addressed to [email protected] will forward to local user jack.[email protected] jack 3. All emails addressed to @mydomain.com will forward to domain @otherdomain.com with corresponding usernames.@mydomain.com %1[email protected] 4. All emails addressed to @otherdomain.com will be rejected my mail server with acknowledging sender with the message@otherdomain.com error:nouser User unknown

After making all changes in virtusertable execute following command to create updated virtusertable.db file containing the new configuration. Finally, restart the Sendmail service to apply changes Thanks for reading this article. I hope this article will help you to configure Sendmail on Fedora systems. References: http://www.sendmail.com/ http://www.sendmail.com/sm/open_source/docs/m4/intro_m4.html