Note: Spotify do not provides its services in multiple counties all over world including India.

Install Spotify using Snap

Spotify application is also available in Snap for easier installation. You can install Spotify using Snappy quickly from the command line. This will install all required dependencies on your system automatically. You can also install Spotify with regular Ubuntu package manager describes below.

Install Spotify using Debian Package

You can also use the current Debian package manager to install Spotify on Ubuntu and LinuxMint operating system. To use this method first import GPG key to your system. After that add the Spotify apt repository to your ystem by running the following command: Finally, run the commands to update the apt cache and install spotify on a Ubuntu system.

Launch Spotify App

You can launch Spotify application from applications.

Login to the application using your Spotify account. You don’t have account, Singup for free with Spotify.

Enjoy listening music using Spotify on Ubuntu and LinuxMint deaktop.

How to Install Spotify on Ubuntu   LinuxMint   TecAdmin - 33How to Install Spotify on Ubuntu   LinuxMint   TecAdmin - 79