This tutorial provides 3 methods to install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fosaa) Linux system. You can choose one of the below methods as per your choice and system environments. Before you begin yarn installation, don’t forgot to install Node.js on your system.

1. Install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 (Using PPA)

Yarn provides an official repository for the installation on Linux system. Using the PPA, yarn install globally on system. Every system user can access this yarn. First, import the GPG key to verify the yarn packages before the installation. Then, enable the Yarn package manager repository, type: Next, run below commands to install yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system: Once the installation finished, check the installed yarn version .

2. Install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 (Using NPM)

Yarn package manager also available as a npm module. You can install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 using the module by executing command: The “-g” option will install the yarn globally on your system. So you can access it from any where or any project of your system.

3. Install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 (Using Script)

You can also use the bash script to install yarn provided by the yarn team. The script installed yarn under to users home directory. It means, when you install yarn with this script will accessible to current user only. To install Yarn on Ubuntu 20.04 using a shell script, type: The installer makes yarn environment configuration in users .bashrc file. You can reload this file to load environment All done. Yarn has been installed successfully.