They can get book recommendations based on the kind of books they like. They can review books they liked or dislike. They can join groups and have discussions with fellow readers and much more. If you are looking for a way to track the number of books you have read this year or the number of pages you have read this year, reading stats is a great feature on Goodreads which lets you do just that and more. Goodreads stats include:

Books read year-wise Pages read year-wise Books read over the years arranged by publication year Books read over time Pages read over time

How to Find Your Reading Stats

The reading stats feature provided by Goodreads is an excellent way to track what you have read, how much you have read, and over what period of time. On the reading stats page, you can toggle between different view options to see your book count or page count. Goodreads (Personal Account) Goodreads (Personal Account) There are two ways to locate your reading stats: Below are some of the fun stats and graphs that Goodreads creates based on your reading activity, and instructions on how to locate each piece of information.

Books Read Year-Wise

Click on the ‘books’ option to see the number of books you have read year-wise. Helps you understand what was your best year, what was your worst year, based on your reading shelf. Goodreads (Personal Account) Goodreads (Personal Account)

Pages Read Year-Wise

Click on the ‘pages’ option to see the number of pages you have read year-wise. Do note for the number of pages to show correctly, it is important that each book you have read has the number of pages mentioned. Goodreads (Personal Account)

Books Read Arranged by Publication Year

Click on the ‘Published Year’ option to see the number of books you have over the years arranged by the ‘Published Year’. Goodreads (Personal Account) Please note for this statistic to work correctly, the books on your reading shelf need to have the correct published year mentioned.

Books Read Over Time

Click on the ‘books over time’ option to see the number of books you have over time. This shows a bar graph of the books you have read over time: each bar representing a year and the size of the bar depicting the number of books you have read that year. Goodreads (Personal Account)

Pages Read Over Time

Click on the ‘pages over time’ option to see the number of pages you have over time. This shows a bar graph of the pages you have read over time: each bar representing a year and the size of the bar depicting the number of pages you have read that year. Goodreads (Personal Account)

My Year in Books

Year in books is another wonderful feature provided by Goodreads which shows you a beautiful journal of your entire reading activity in a particular year. Goodreads (Personal Account) This feature only works well if you update all your reads and add the date you have read the books. A correctly updated read date on each of your books in your reading shelf leads to it getting counted in the number of books you have read that year. Each year has its own journal and this journal comes with a shareable link for other popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. The My Year in Books Journal documents some really interesting statistics for each year:

Number of pages read this year Number of books read this year Shortest read of the year Longest read of the year Average book length this year Most popular book from your shelf this year Least popular book from your shelf this year My average rating for the year Highest rated book on Goodreads The list of all the books you read in the year Last reviewed book of the year

What If a Book Does Not Exist on Goodreads?

How to Add a New Book Record in Goodreads - TurboFutureTrying to find a book to add to your shelves but not finding it on You can create a new book record. Here’s how.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Goodreads (Personal Account) Goodreads (Personal Account)

How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 79How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 56How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 68How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 73How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 92How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 37How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 13How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 42How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 31How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 72How to Know How Many Books or Pages You ve Read on Goodreads - 37