Open Port for Single IP/Network

For example, the following command will open port 80 for the network In this case, the --source option specifies that the network is allowed to access port 80. You can also use the --source option to specify a single IP address as the source. For example: This will open port 80 for the IP address Reload the FirewallD configuration to apply the changes. You can do this by running the following command:

Open Port for Multiple IP/Network

You can use the --add-source option instead of --source to add multiple sources to the rule. For example, the following command will add the network as an additional source for the rule that opens port 80: You can add multiple sources by separating them with a space. For example: This will add the networks and as additional sources for the rule that opens port 80. Note: You can use the --source option instead of --add-source to specify a single source for the rule. The –source option will overwrite any existing sources for the rule, while –add-source will add the specified source to the existing list of sources. Reload the FirewallD configuration to apply the changes. You can do this by running the following command: You can verify that the port has been opened by using the firewall-cmd command with the –list-ports option. For example firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports will list all the ports that are open in the public zone.


In conclusion, FirewallD is a powerful tool that can be used to control incoming and outgoing network traffic on a Linux system. It allows you to open specific ports for specific networks, providing an additional layer of security for your system. To open a specific port for a specific network in FirewallD, you will need to install and start the FirewallD service, and then use the firewall-cmd command with the –permanent, –zone, –add-port, and –source options. You can then verify that the port has been opened by using the –list-ports option. By following these steps, you can easily open a specific port for a specific network in FirewallD and improve the security of your system.