For many people, 5G will cause dramatically increased exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation compared to 4G and prior wireless technologies. The increased exposure to RF-EMF radiation is because 5G towers will be much closer to humans than prior wireless technologies, many nearby towers will be needed to deliver 5G service, 5G will be delivered via powerful millimeter-sized waves, and 5G RF-EMF radiation will add to already existing sources of manmade radiofrequency radiation. The introduction of 5G RF-EMF millimeter-sized waves into the already present soup of electronic RF-EMFs that humans are exposed to daily means consideration should be given to taking precautions to protect your home and family from 5G cell phone radiation as it becomes part of everyday life.

5G Is Just One of Many EMF-RF Sources of Radiation That Impact Humans

Immediate and Long-term Health Concerns Regarding 5G RF-EMF Radiation Exposure

In the rush to bring much faster 5G cell phone service to mobile users, the wireless industry and government regulators are largely ignoring both immediate and long-term health effects that exposure to 5G RF-EMF radiation exposure can have on people. When discussing the health effects of 5G, they rely on outdated research that was done years ago on prior wireless technologies. While not entirely proven as a cause and effect, some people have reported immediate health impacts from RF-EMF exposure that have come to be known as “electronic sensitivity” or “electronic hypersensitivity.” Those who suffer from what they believe is a reaction to RF-EMF exposure in their environment report headaches, trouble concentrating, dizziness, trouble sleeping, diminished immune system, itchy sensation on the skin, a loss of energy, fatigue, depression, and memory problems. People suffering from these conditions claim that their health improved and the symptoms went away once they removed themselves from RF-EMF exposure. These reports have to be taken for what they are, anecdotal evidence with possible personal bias or other explanations. They require rigorous science-based health studies to confirm RF-EMF exposure is causing the symptoms. While science works to pinpoint the cause of the reported immediate health maladies, it is a good idea to take cautionary steps to prevent excessive RF-EMF exposure. Long-term health concerns associated with cell phone usage have been heightened by data released by United States’ National Toxicology Program researchers in May 2016 that found small increases in the rate of tumors in male rats exposed to cell phone radiation at amounts and durations that were near the allowable level of cell phone radiation for brain exposure in the United States. While extrapolating the results from rats to humans is something that cannot be done without further studies, the results are a concern for health experts, especially since radiation associated with cell phone usage is presumed to be safe non-ionizing radiation that is not supposed to be to damage DNA and cause tumors. The American Cancer Society said the National Toxicology Program study was “a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk.” The concerning findings associated with the National Toxicology Program study were bolstered by a study released by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy during 2018 that found similar results in rodents exposed to cell phone radiation. It should be noted both of the studies predate the rollout of 5G wireless service, which is a concern since 5G will increase human exposure to RF-EMF radiation and could lead to an increased risk of health impacts in humans.

Why EMF-RFs From 5G Present a Health Concern

EMF-RFs have been linked to a variety of serious medical conditions in humans, including but not limited to increased risk for leukemia and other cancers (including childhood leukemia), increased risk of eye cataracts, diminished immune system function, and memory impairment. Concerns about the negative health effects associated with exposure to EMF-RFs over long periods of time has caused many people to avoid living near high-voltage electric lines that produce strong EMF-RFs in nearby areas. These same concerns will apply to locally based wireless towers needed to provide 5G wireless service. The concerns about EMF-RFs saturating human-occupied areas with harmful EMF-RFs are not just hysteria. Scientific studies have raised serious concerns about EMF-RFs, especially long-term exposure to these invisible radio waves. Health concerns regarding mobile phone usage have been heightened by data released by United States’ National Toxicology Program researchers in May 2016 that found small increases in the rate of tumors in male rats exposed to cellphone radiation at amounts and durations that were near the allowable level of cellphone radiation for brain exposure in the United States. While extrapolating the results from rats to humans is something that cannot be done without further studies, the results are a concern for health experts, especially since radiation associated with cell phone usage is presumed to be safe non-ionizing radiation. The American Cancer Society said this study was “a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk.” Because millimeter-sized 5G waves cannot go around obstacles, 5G cellular service will require many more towers than previously needed to provide wireless services. To provide reliable connections, this dense network of 5G towers will be located in neighborhoods rather than distant remote locations, where the large majority of wireless towers are currently located. The new 5G towers will be smaller and can be camouflaged fairly easily to fit into the environment, such as on top of a utility pole or small building. However, the aesthetics of the new 5G wireless towers are not the primary concern. The concern with having so many towers based so close to humans is the high-frequency millimeter-sized radio waves that 5G uses to deliver extremely fast data will increase human exposure to EMF-RF radiation to potentially unsafe levels. Another health concern associated with 5G is that it will be adding another layer of electronic radio wave radiation to the already existing ones that humans are presently exposed to in their everyday lives. The term “electrosmog” has been coined to describe the ever-increasing amount of electronic radio waves that occupy the spaces in which we live. 5G will increase the amount of electrosmog that impacts humans. Some researchers have raised concerns that being exposed to multiple sources of electronic radio wave radiation could have synergistic negative health impacts, as they will potentially act in concert to increase negative effects on living things. We really will not know the true effects of the increased EMF-RFs radiation exposure due to 5G until many years in the future when epidemiologists have analyzed health data to determine if any discernible increases in illnesses can be attributed to EMF-RFs exposure associated with 5G. However, there is enough scientific data from exposures to similar types of radiation to raise serious concerns about the negative health effects that will likely develop in humans as a result of exposure to 5G radiation.

If Necessary, Use RF-EMF Shielding Products

If you find RF-EMFs above acceptable levels, there are a number of ways you can shield your living space and workplace from this invisible radiation. The most comprehensive method of shielding a building is to turn it into what is known as a “Faraday cage”, which is essentially a full metal enclosure of a building that redirects wireless signals and their associated RF-EMF radiation around the shielded structure. Unfortunately, simply adding aluminum siding to a structure will not protect occupants from RF-EMF radiation. Doors and window openings also require radiation protection measures installed to complete the shielding of a building. In order to protect your home or workplace from RF-EMF radiation, you must have every location of the aluminum siding and other protective measures connected to both the roof and the ground. Another option for protecting yourself within your home is to protect specific rooms that you and your family spend a lot of time in, such as a living room and bedrooms. Certainly, children’s bedrooms should have to top priority for creating RF-EMF protection since children are more susceptible to the negative health effects of radiation than adults. Children’s thinner skulls do not block airborne radiation as effectively as adults and they face a lifetime of potential exposure, so protecting them should be a top priority. To protect specific rooms, apply RF-EMF shielding paint onto the walls and ceilings of rooms that are occupied for long periods of time within a home, especially bedrooms in which a considerable amount of time is spent. This specially formulated paint reflects RF-EMF radiation away from an occupied space. It requires careful application and the installation of other protective devices, such as grounding plates to remove static electricity that builds up in the walls and ceilings safely into the ground. It also requires protection for windows and doors. An example of RF-EMF shielding paint is Woremor RF-IE50 EMR and RF Shielding Paint. The paint is not inexpensive but is well worth the cost for anyone looking to protect the areas they live and work in from wireless radiation. A crude, yet easy way to test whether you have adequate protection from RF-EMF radiation is to try to use your cell phone inside a protected structure or area of a structure. If you’re receiving cell phone service, it means you have not blocked the RF-EMFs entirely. Use an RF-EMF meter to confirm whether RF-EMF radiation levels have fallen to safe levels. Yes, losing cell phone service is a major drawback, but it’s better than being subject to hazardous levels of radiation. Technology companies are going to have to come up with a work-around to deliver cell phone service in homes protected from RF-EMF radiation.

Speak Out If 5G Cell Towers Are Proposed to Be Installed In Your Town

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from harmful RF-EMF radiation is to educate yourself about plans to install 5G cell phone towers in your town and to make an effort to influence local policy maker’s decisions regarding the placement of towers. You, along with others in your community, may be able to have a positive influence on where 5G cell phone towers are installed and ensure that they are not installed in close proximity to your home or place of work. High priority should be placed on ensuring 5G towers are not installed close to child-care centers or schools, due to children’s high susceptibility to negative health effects from 5G RF-EMF radiation.

Raise Awareness Regarding 5G Radiation Dangers

Raise awareness among your friends, family, and neighbors regarding the potential negative health effects associated with radiation given off by 5G wireless towers. They are being bombarded by media and industry excitement over the dramatically faster service that 5G will provide. Make sure they understand the potential health risks associated with this new wireless technology. Many of the safety features that are in place today in our daily lives are a result of citizen awareness of safety issues turning into citizen actions that forced government and industry to act to address safety concerns. This could also happen with 5G wireless service. With proper awareness and activism, the powers that be could be forced to design safer ways of delivering faster wireless services than the current plan to inundate people with 5G radiation without regard for potential negative human health consequences.

Protecting Yourself & Family From 5G EMF-RF Radiation

Shielding a Bedroom From EMF Emitted by Cell Towers Using YShield Paint

Health Concerns Associated With 5G Wireless Mobile Cell Phone RF-EMF Radiation5G wireless will cause dramatically increased exposure to potentially harmful radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation compared to 4G and prior wireless technologies per recent health studies. There are reasons to be concerned.Are 5G Wireless Networks Safe? The Dangers of 5G EM…Are 5G wireless networks safe for human health and animals? 5G will utilize millimeter-sized radio waves that generate electromagnetic fields (EMFs) radiation that may be harmful to living things.How to Protect Yourself From Harmful Mobile Cell Pho…Medical studies have found that radio frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation from mobile cell phones can cause negative health effects. There is a need to take proactive actions to protect yourself from harmful cell phone radiation, whichWhat Is a 5G Wireless Network and What Makes It Bett…5G wireless will deliver data much faster than its predecessor 4G and it will include technical network features that allow the network to be more dynamic and customizable.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. © 2019 John Coviello


John Coviello (author) from New Jersey on April 01, 2020: Thanks for your feedback Madison. Some say that 5G will someday be a major human health event once it’s fully installed and affecting human health in a negative way. Madisonmassey on March 31, 2020: This article is EXTREMELY RELEVANT regarding specific current events that are affecting human health around the world right now!! Thank you for the article, now keep it going!!

How to Protect Your Home and Family From 5G Mobile Cell Phone EMF RF Radiation - 31How to Protect Your Home and Family From 5G Mobile Cell Phone EMF RF Radiation - 20How to Protect Your Home and Family From 5G Mobile Cell Phone EMF RF Radiation - 60