It must be noted that in order to gain access to the recently deleted content, the Instagram user will be asked to verify their account first. Once you have proven that you are the rightful account owner, you will be able to find and retrieve your recently deleted content. Another thing to keep in mind is that there’s a time limit for retrieving deleted content. For deleted stories that you were unable to place in your archive, you will be given 24 hours to recover them. For the rest of the recently deleted content such as photos and videos that were posted on your profile, you have 30 days to choose whether to press undo or confirm permanent deletion. Otherwise, Instagram will permanently delete the content once the 30-day period is over.

How Does the Recently Deleted Feature on Instagram Works

To recover a deleted Instagram post, you simply need to follow these easy steps:

Update your Instagram app to the latest version. Log In to your account and go to your profile. Press the hamburger icon at the top-right corner of your profile. The hamburger icon is the icon with three horizontal lines. Go to “Settings”. Under Settings, go to “Account” and then go to “Recently Deleted”. Select the content that you want to recover. You can recover posts, stories, reels and IGTV videos. You will then be asked whether you want to restore the said content. Select “Restore”. Note that if you are restoring content that has been deleted from your archive then it will be restored to your archive.

That’s it! Your recently deleted content will be automatically restored to where it was originally posted. The availability of the said feature is especially useful to Instagram users whose accounts have been compromised. This newly added layer of security will give users the assurance that they can still recover their content in case a hacker or unauthorized user intentionally deletes them. Nonetheless, even if your account hasn’t been compromised, this feature will certainly come in handy in case you regret deleting a post. Unlike before, you will no longer feel remorseful especially if you accidentally delete a story or a video. After all, you can now go to Settings > Account > Recently Deleted to have your content restored. Do note that the “Recently Deleted” feature is still gradually being rolled out but it will be made available to both Android and iOS users.

Do you want to unsend sent messages on Instagram instead? Here’s how it works!

Here’s How Instagram Unsend Message WorksHave you ever messaged someone via Instagram Direct only to find that you’ve sent the wrong text? Well, you are in luck because you can easily retract your messages via Instagram Unsend.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Kent Peligrino

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