In this article, we will explore how to recursively change the file permissions in Linux.


The basic syntax for using chmod to recursively change permissions is as follows:

The argument is a combination of three elements: the user (u), the group (g), and others (o). You can use + to add permissions, and - to remove permissions. The permissions themselves are represented by the letters r (read), w (write), and x (execute). Here, -R tells chmod to operate recursively, specifies the permissions you want to set, and is the path to the directory whose permissions you want to change.

Change the File’s Permissions Recursively

For example, to give all users read and write permissions to all files and directories under /home/user/documents, you could use the following command: For example, the u+rw in the above command adds read and write permissions for the user, while g-x would remove execute permissions for the group. It’s important to note that changing permissions recursively can be a powerful and potentially dangerous operation, as it can affect many files and directories at once. For this reason, it’s a good idea to be careful when using the -R option, and to test the command on a small subset of files before running it on a larger directory structure.

Change the File’s Permissions With find Command

You can also use the find command in conjunction with chmod to recursively change permissions based on certain criteria. For example, to give read and write permissions to all directories under /home/user/documents, but only read permissions to all files, you could use the following command: Here, find searches for directories (-type d) and files (-type f) under the /home/user/documents directory, and passes each one to chmod using the -exec option. The {} placeholder is replaced with the name of each file or directory, and \; indicates the end of the chmod command.


In conclusion, changing the file permissions recursively in Linux is a useful task that can be accomplished using the chmod command with the -R option. The chmod command allows you to change the permissions of a file or directory, and the -R option allows you to apply the changes recursively to all the files and directories in a directory tree. By using the chmod command with the -R option, you can easily change the permissions of multiple files or directories at once and customize the access rights of users and groups. Understanding how to change file permissions recursively in Linux can be helpful in various scenarios when you need to manage access to files and directories.