Pexels The equation of the Fisher z transformation formula is z = ln((1+r) / (1-r)) / 2. You can also see an alternate form of this equation illustrated below.

The FISHER Function Syntax

The FISHER function needs to be inputted into a cell like a formula for it work. To manually add this function the following steps need to be taken: Below in bold the simple syntax of the FISHER function is shown in its entirety. =FISHER(X) X - The correlation coefficient. A number less than 1, but greater than or equal to zero. Using a number outside of this range or entering text into this function will cause and error. Note: This function only serves as a step to calculating a confidence interval.

Inserting the FISHER Function

The FISHER function can be inserted into a cell by first selecting a cell followed by clicking on the formula tab. Next, click on the more functions button and choose the FISHER function from the statistical function list. After the formula builder appears, add the correlation coefficient. Notice the formula builder provides tips for creating the function.


Entering a confidence coefficient of .67 results in .81074 as shown below.

Showing the Inverse of the FISHER Function

There is another Excel function that returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation. The FISHERINV function will do just that. Use this transformation when analyzing correlations between arrays or ranges of data. The use of the inverse form of the Fisher function is generalized below. If y = FISHER(x), then FISHERINV(y) = x. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Joshua Crowder

How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 5How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 28How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 75How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 63How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 69How to Use the FISHER Function in Excel for Mac - 38