Today, she juggles her career with being a busy mom of two. Yes, even a certified expert of the human brain shares struggles with tech overload at times. On her TikTok account @mayimbialik, she offers a way to deal with stress that’s, quite frankly, a no-brainer.  Her simple message has resonated significantly with fans who empathize with the struggle. skyblueyes111 chimed in, “Yess one breath at a time and mama nature is always nurturing.” “Thank you for the reminder” commented Mohammed Rabaya. Jack Sorensen626 remarked, “Less stress why put Ur self through all this no need be strong…right!”  This TikTok hits on a common theme in dealing with modern stress. We have a lot of things pulling for our attention, especially by our devices. We also have the power to put those things aside and take control of our days. It doesn’t take advanced degrees to know how to solve our problems, sometimes by just taking a step back and giving ourselves a moment to breathe, reset, and just unplug.