Creators have used Photoshop to not only show their imagery talents but also highlight their other skill sets. Being able to combine digital art with physical art, like sculpting and modelmaking, creates a different level of aesthetics that show devotion to two separate mediums. TikTok user @frombeewithlove posted this incredible video that showcases her impressive miniature building skills and ability to elevate that with a cool Photoshop twist.  Commenters are blown away by this amazing melding of two separate but beautiful forms of expression. “took I want to go there to a diff level,” replied inahmangoes. Demianwing wrote, “This is such a unique and cool idea. I love it.” “WOW the detailing omg i would’ve never guessed this was a miniature,” raved Cinema Makeup School.  This is an incredible video that puts together two very different mediums and combines them in a unique way. The level of detail and meticulous work required for making miniatures certainly helps with the design and editing needed for Photoshop and vice versa. This account is certainly worth a follow to see what she comes up with next.