Using while loop

The most basic way to read a file line by line in a shell script is to use a while loop and the read command. The read command reads a line of input from the file and stores it in a variable, which can then be processed by the script. The while loop allows you to iterate through the lines of the file until the end is reached. Here’s an example of how this might look:

This method is simple and easy to understand, but it has some limitations. One limitation is that the read command can only read one line at a time, so it can be slower for large files with many lines. In addition, the read command can only read from standard input (stdin), so you must use the < operator to redirect the contents of the file to stdin. This can be inconvenient if you need to read from multiple files or if you want to read from a file that is not in the current directory.

Using while loop with cat

A more efficient way to read a file line by line in a shell script is to use the cat command in combination with a while loop. The cat command reads a file and outputs its contents to stdout, which can then be processed by the while loop. Here’s an example of how this might look:

This method is more efficient than the read command because it reads the entire file into memory at once, rather than reading one line at a time. This can be faster for large files with many lines. In addition, the cat command can read from any file, not just stdin, so you can use it to read from multiple files or files that are not in the current directory.

Using while loop with sed

Another efficient way to read a file line by line in a shell script is to use the sed command in combination with a while loop. The sed command is a powerful text processing tool that can read a file and output its contents to stdout, one line at a time. Here’s an example of how this might look:

This method is similar to the cat command, but it is more efficient because it only outputs one line at a time. This can be faster for large files with many lines. In addition, the sed command has many options and features that can be used to manipulate the output, so it is a very flexible tool for text processing. In summary, there are several ways to read a file line by line in a Linux shell script.