Overview of Main Features

PhotoVibrance has two main features:

Magic Motion: adds motion and/or sky replacement to a picture. 3D Parallax: this is a little more complex and there’s more of a learning curve. You can take something in your image and make it look 3D. That includes moving items behind it.

Resolution, Anchors, and Special Effects

For resolution (the shape and size of the final image), you have four options to suit any project: landscape, square, vertical, and custom. There are also specific resolutions sized for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Once you have decided on a resolution, you can start adding effects. Use anchors to highlight areas where you don’t want motion and arrows to highlight where you do. In addition to motion effects, you can use overlays (like fog, fireworks, leaves, and rain), effects (like butterflies, balloons, and Christmas lights), text, shapes, and images. Sky Replacement is another great effect to have. You can replace the sky in an existing photo with one of ten animated skies.

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Using 3D Parallax

3D Parallax is a little more complicated to use but once you get the hang of it, you can create some amazing pictures.

First, you have to cut out the part of the picture you want to make 3D. This is easy enough to do. Just click around the edges of the item you want to remove.

However, you are then left with a hole where the item has been removed. You have to use a clone tool to cover that hole that blends in with the existing background. You do this by choosing a part of the existing background and then painting over that hole. If a background is very plain, that’s easy enough to do. For more complex backgrounds, like the one in the picture below, it can be tricky to get right.

Simple backgrounds that are all one color are obviously easy to clone. But images like the one below with a cloudy sky behind a lighthouse can also be cloned very easily. When choosing images as a beginner, consider the level of difficulty in making the background look natural. The camera effect is used to zoom in and out. Much like a camera in a television studio, you can zoom in on an object in an image to bring more attention to it.

Publishing Options

PhotoVibrance has only two publishing options: MP4 and Gif. For MP4, you can choose how many times it should loop. For Gif, you can change the frames per second and image width.

Stock Images

A really nice feature of PhotoVibrance is the ability to search for images from Pixabay and Pexels within the software itself. That way, you don’t have to go through the process of searching for pictures, downloading them, and then importing them into the software. This built-in feature is a huge time saver.

Is PhotoVibrance Worth It?

I paid $49 for PhotoVibrance as part of a special deal that includes the commercial license. If you buy the version with the commercial license, you can sell your creations. If you are a freelancer and plan to make promotional materials for others, this is the version you need. There’s a lot that can be done with this software, but for the price, I wish it offered more. There are only ten replacement skies. There are effects like butterflies, balloons, smoke, and clouds, but I expected far more before I purchased it. I paid $67 for CreateStudio, which comes with lots of characters, shapes, backgrounds, and templates. PhotoVibrance feels very barebones in comparison. However, if you own CreateStudio or similar software, you can create moving images in PhotoVibrance and then import them into your animation software to add more effects. Since this is desktop rather than cloud-based software, you can’t use it on multiple devices. The commercial license allows for installation on up to two devices while the personal license only allows for use on one. Overall, I think it’s great for the price I paid, considering how expensive similar products are. And most similar products are available as Apple and Android apps. This isn’t always convenient, since images may have to be moved between mobile devices and computers. Learn more and see some eye-popping examples at the PhotoVibrance website. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2021 LT Wright

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