Scheduling a Cronjob for Sunday.

The day of the week is determined by the fifth section of the cron timer. You can specify a day by using numbers such as 0-7, where 0 and 7 both correspond to Sunday, 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, and so on. We may also refer to the first three letters of the day like sun, mon, etc. The cron daemon can be configured to run shell scripts at 07:30 AM every Sunday using the following line:

Define a day in Crontab using numbers:30 7 * * 0 Define a day in Crontab using numbers:30 7 * * sun

You can schedule your weekly cronjob by editing the crontab using “crontab -e” in a text editor.

Scheduing Job with @weekly Keyword

The @weekly crontab keyword provides for executing tasks every Sunday at 12:00 AM. You may replace the time with @weekly, which saves time. The command will execute at precisely 12:00 AM, and we cannot alter it. This quick tutorial should help you set up a corn job to run weekly. Please note that you can schedule a job in two-time formats.

Running a Cron job every Sunday  Weekly    TecAdmin - 6Running a Cron job every Sunday  Weekly    TecAdmin - 90