Posted by TikTok user @astro_alexandra, the below video explains how Saturn is losing its rings and how long it will take for them to disappear entirely.


“This is just absolutely fascinating, writes @danniharris1981. User @hopeless_fangirl24 asks, “Saturn is getting a divorce?” “Honestly, Saturn will become my least favourite planet if its rings go when I’m alive,” declares @felicity_kg.” Viewer of the video @thekesselrunner gas a positive outlook: “Whenever I despair at the state of the world, I also think about how I’m also alive in a time when I can see and understand the universe like this,” he says. “I don’t know why, but I think Drake is behind this,” jokes @cranberryblissbar. Reader @spiltcoffee1 has a tip: “I managed to take a pic of Saturn only using my phone,” he says. “You can even see its rings.” “Well, since I’m aware of the consequences of the second law of thermodynamics,” writes @andreek495, “I only want to see the good side. Yay, rings on Saturn!” Recommended for you

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