Watch this 35-second TikTok video from @tiffintech to learn more about the software and, perhaps more importantly, at what percentile the AI ranked in the sample.


“AI is getting good. Like, scarily good,” said @tiffintech.  One concern among software industry professionals is the  question of whether AI will take over the role of programmers. “My answer is definitely not,” she says. “What it will do is be an assistant to programmers, allowing us to focus on harder tasks, more difficult things at hand.” Commenter @tiffintech seems to welcome the new technology, writing “I like to design systems, but too lazy to type the code, this AI will be perfect for me.” “But what tasks did it solve? Because the big task has always been telling the machine what it should do,” observes @duxidux. Commenter @wildvald sees altruistic possibilities here: “Really think, as human we should focus on automation and ai so we can end hunger and improve world wide quality of life.” Whatever the motivation and whatever your thoughts on the subject, we’ll be following developments in this space and updating our pages with information as we get it. Recommended for you

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