Probably thousands by this point, but how about in the middle of a live, region-wide weather forecast? Just wait for this weatherman’s reaction to Siri popping up on his Apple Watch, ready to help him forecast the weather to the Boston and wider northeast region.


Posted by fellow Boston news network anchor Liam Martin, the meteorologist here immediately shuts that baritone Siri voice down and resumes control of the broadcast, like a pro. You think this weatherman is going to let big AI take over his corner of Boston news network stardom? Heck no — Siri will have to work harder than that. “Siri’s saying, ‘Bro, I can literally tell the weather for you,” one commenter said. To which Martin replied, “Get out of the way, Siri.” “When did Siri become a meteorologist?” another commenter asked. Martin replied with, “Zack isn’t gonna let that happen,” with a laughing emoji. That’s it: the war has been declared. No longer will we use the Weather app on our phones and watches, instead going to a human source … at specific times of the day … and he may not cover our specific area. You know what? Sorry Zack, we’re sticking with Siri — much love, though.