Few things excite consumers as much as the build-up around the release of the next iPhone. Fans will scour websites, social media, and other platforms to get little nuggets on what to expect for the newest model, which will lead to millions wondering if now is the best time to consider upgrading from their existing phones. If the information provided by TikTok user @zoneofmobiles proves valid, the future looks very bright for potential buyers.  Commenters on this video have some conflicting feelings about this new version of iPhone. “I just want to listen to music on YouTube while using the calculator!!” demanded Garnette Perez. Doctor A/IDK remarked, “So they’re not making phones they’re making smart cameras.” “Bro just as I buy an iPhone 14 Pro Max,” regretted NYSadBro.  This process of running out new phones every year must be frustrating, yet people stick with iPhones consistently. While this next iteration looks promising, there are some questions as to when they may hit the market, with the return of COVID-related lockdowns to mainland China. Price tag aside, I can imagine this new version will sell well, especially with the USB-C charging port allowing iPhone users to FINALLY borrow Android charging cords.