Most customers prefer the drive-through option, especially when it comes to larger orders or a quick grab while running errands. The baristas are great with customer service and do a great job working through complex requests with seemingly endless lines of cars passing by their windows. TikTok user @jeffyboi123456789 showed us some stores have even gone an extra step to add the human touch to the ordering process. Some locations have limited or closed their inside shop, so this is an interesting opportunity. Commenters love this new twist on ordering. “It’s for deaf and hard of hearing. My daughter gets to sign with baristas that know ASL we love it,” wrote Audrey Purnell. Jon remarked, “I like this a lot. I feel like drive through workers aren’t treated like real people sometimes. Face to face interaction is great.”  Some commenters who work at Starbucks mentioned that most stores have the FaceTime capability but choose not to use it. Based on the feedback, I think they should at least offer it to customers, especially when it will improve accessibility to ordering. Customers love building personal bonds with baristas at their favorite locations who know their orders and are often key elements to their routines. This would be a nice touch and help strengthen those relationships.