So, it’s not a secret that social media is one of the most effective ways to make your brand well-known and attract huge numbers of customers. According to any statistics, it’s a big downfall nowadays not building a social network application for your business. Doesn’t matter if we talk about small startups or giant corporations – social media application development is booming like never before. And what are the benefits of developing a Social Media App for your business? Someone can tell that it’s just a childish whim to invest in such sphere, however, we’ll try to prove otherwise. Tangible Benefit #1. Brand promotion & Users’ Loyalty When we create something we dream to make it famous and profitable, right? Well, social network application is the key tool to pump up the revenue and obtain new sales channels at the lowest price. But a lot of efforts are required, for sure. App development will pay off in no time while by that time you’ll get yourself an intensified online marketing campaign and a bunch of super excited customers who would love to explore your social media product as much as the business one. When you present your startup on a social media platform it saves the user a trouble to search your products and connect with you in real-time without unnecessary phone calls. Which will reasonably increase your customers’ loyalty and make your brand recognizable on a larger scale. Buyers of any age will stay with you if you provide them the ability to chat about your products or services in social network app. In terms of technical definitions, the user retention numbers will rise up for your profit. Not to mention that via social channels you can look for new employees, partners or investors by impressing them with your business reputation and far-sightedness. Tangible Benefit #2. Services and products demonstration faster than ever In addition to having a broad range of customers by developing a social media app a businessman ensures himself fast and easy way to display the products directly to buyers along with discounts, sales, and special offers. Such marketing pitch encourages loyal customers to participate more and spread the word to attract new ones. Constantly updated content will show your target audience that you’re a serious person and want to satisfy their needs. Therefore, sales volume are going to be steadily growing. Tangible Benefit #3. Priceless insights about your target audience and opponents When there is a call or an e-mail letter there is no personal information about the buyer. But when it come to social media – there is whole user profile with valuable information about the habits, preferences, opinions, and interests. And an ability to track discussions that involve your brand. All of this you can use to generate pinpoint offers or improving your products in a way to meet your customer’s expectations. In-depth insight regarding buyer’s behavior will help an entrepreneur to increase users engagement some more and build deeper connections with them. By the way, one more privilege of the social network’s app development it helps to make smart business decisions. How? Well, along with intelligence about the customers, you can easily research your opponents. Know your enemy, right? Monitoring information about them will give you a huge advantage in a strategic sense. Tangible Benefit #4. Increased User Experience equals Solid Brand Reputation Via social media you communicate with people who are interested in the goods or services you offer. So, it’s important to create a marvelous image for your company by providing customers with quick responses to their requests, polite discussions, and fancy but ease-to-use UI. Therefore, increasing user experience through such platform helps you to establish a good trustworthy reputation for your company. People love to be heard and appreciated, they leave their comments on your social media page to receive a proper personal response. And to get regular catchy content. If you treat every customer individually you show them the respect for their needs and an intention to provide the best service for each one of them. You make every buyer – seller dialogue valuable and the people will spread the word about your brand’s unique interaction with users. Tangible Benefit #5. Boost your Traffic, Conversion Rates and Search Ranking Every post or article that you publish on social media is a small step to boosting the visitation numbers and gathering users worldwide. Any person who follows your business account, any share, repost or like you get will raise up your Google’s search ranking. Without social promotion your traffic gonna be low, let’s be honest, but a couple dozens of reposts and you’ll wake up famous. The marketing avalanche will incrementally push you upward the ranking ladder letting you take some actions on improvements for your search engine rankings. Making your brand present on social media channels gives the opportunity to send conversion rates flying. Tangible Benefit #6. Specific and targeted advertising I already mentioned invaluable insight about the target audience. So, what else? Now that you know your users, you can reach out to them with specifically targeted advertising offers. It’s the cheapest way to market your business products among some groups of people that are sorted out by age, gender, location, hobbies or lifestyles. The results won’t be long in coming and your efforts will be perfectly rewarding. Tangible Benefit #7. Become a great Leader You can set the example yourself by posting high-quality content on the social media app of your company. Encourage your workers who are already using not just one, but a couple of social media networks by showing them that you’re an expert in your field and you embrace the mobile future. Make them stay in your own app and promote the brand among their buddies. It’s important to understand the needs of your employees and speak with them the same language. When your co-workers are looking up to your authority, the users will be drawn to you and your business decisions like a moth to a flame. And it’s, in fact, not nearly everything, but we should talk about one other thing. I guess, this thought has been on your mind from the start, yeah? If you want to develop a social media app for Android or iOS separately, how much will it cost? While social media apps represent one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing tools it can be expensive to make at the beginning. Based on the estimation of the Tecsynt company, I can say that a lot of factors affect the custom social media app development cost, such as:

Complexity of desirable Functions and Features; Mobile platforms & Approach to app development; A server backend, a third-party services integration & Security and Data Protection; UX/UI Design & Admin panel; Push notifications & Geolocation option; Analytic Tools Implementation; Whether you hire social media app developers or do it yourself.


A social media app for your business allows to expand customers base on a larger scale and interact with them on a real-time basis. And coupled with innovative marketing strategy this, actually, gonna ensure the bright future success for your brand. Use such app to explore your target audience, engage them and make them notice your products without any delay. If you still don’t have some social media application, I strongly recommend considering to build it, as you now know about the benefits it will bring to your company.