I have lost as much time as I would in traffic by tinkering with Bluetooth connections. I missed the original Surface Headphones, but I am glad I found the newer model. This gadget has the efficiency of gaming headphones. But it’s made for working professionals. I am so happy Microsoft’s new Surface Headphones 2+ has solved my pairing problems. Unlike previous models, the Surface Headphones 2+ are perfect for remote work. From research, I saw they kept much of the features users loved and made some noticeable changes. Today, I’ll address some of your most pressing questions about this headphone model. Are the Surface Headphones comfortable? Is the Bluetooth connectivity of the new Surface Headphone any good? And, of course, your biggest question will get answered. Is Microsoft’s new headphone worth the cost?

The Original Surface Headphones

The original Surface Headphones debuted in 2018, Microsoft’s first entry into the personal audio industry. They are an underrated must-have, in my humble opinion. I love the sleek, professional design, which features two huge dials on each cup. The dial on the left ear controls the noise-canceling, or turn the right ear dial to change the volume. This design allowed users to control their sound experience with satisfying ease. The soft, comfortable ear pads also make them a pleasure to wear all day. The whole design is sleek and satisfying. Most alternative models don’t include such sophistication. Other headphones offer a swipe or tap the side option for changing the volume. The mute button is on the base of this headphone model, which also provides easy control access. Another plus, I found Microsoft’s website is very helpful in explaining how the headphones work.

The Surface Headphones 2+

The Surface Headphones 2+ is the updated version of Microsoft’s original second model. The top-notch noise-canceling quality is the perfect excuse to upgrade. If you are on calls all day, there’s the added benefit of easy Bluetooth connectivity. This feature is the best in my book, and it helps me connect to several devices at once. It is the secret up my sleeve to stress-free days as I switch from one device to another.


The Surface Headphones 2+ works like most wireless models. It connects to your phone, tablet, or laptop via Bluetooth. You also have the option of using a 3.5mm cord or the Surface USB Link dongle. This USB dongle auto-connects to your device, bypassing the need for Bluetooth. So you don’t have to fiddle with the settings. A big plus is that Microsoft goes for compatibility. Thus, the Bluetooth and dongle still work well after device updates.

Microsoft Teams Button

Microsoft designed these headphones for work. So, the device has a Microsoft Teams button. With a push, it opens up the chat app. This choice by the company benefits me a lot because some of my clients prefer Teams. If you don’t use Teams, this will seem like an odd feature to you. You may even feel awkward because the Teams button replaces the mute one.

Microphone Quality

For a newcomer to the audio industry, Microsoft’s headphones perform well. The microphone quality is superb. They avoid much background noise, so they deliver my voice with clarity.

Audio Quality

The audio is also great; from music to calls, the sounds are crisp and clear. The sound quality would make most people happy. If you want to enhance your listening experience, you could use a 3.5 mm headphone jack when listening to music. I especially love how comfortable they are to wear for long periods. The ultra-soft gel padding does the trick.

Is the Price Worth It?

Besides the incredible features mentioned above, there are extra special ones. The headphones have an 18.5-hour life span. When you turn them on, a voice announces how many hours of battery life you have left. When turned on, connecting to paired devices via a USB dongle is automatic. This seamless connection makes your device switches painless. Adjusting the noise-canceling level is also easy with a spin of the dial. The price is competitive and worth it. When your work from home days end, you can pack them for your travels. They are light, last for a great deal of the day, and connect to Bluetooth with no fiddling required. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Kandice Fyffe


Kandice Fyffe (author) on September 23, 2021: You’re welcome. Thank you for your kind comment. Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on September 21, 2021: Useful information. Thanks for posting.

The Best Headphones  Surface Headphones 2  Review - 16The Best Headphones  Surface Headphones 2  Review - 91The Best Headphones  Surface Headphones 2  Review - 38The Best Headphones  Surface Headphones 2  Review - 25