That’s what this family wanted to change, creating the most elaborate light show on their house and property that we have ever seen for Halloween. The family clearly spared no expense here — just wait until the digital flames kick up.


The video was posted by Silver Cliff Light Show, which puts on light shows for its neighborhood for all sorts of holidays, but namely Halloween and Christmas. Cascading LEDs are the heart of this show, bolstered by a massive display of digital fire to give the feeling of hell on Earth. We also note that the programming that had to go into this choreographed display must have been immense. When asked how much this kind of light setup would cost, the video’s creator replied, “Too much — you [could] buy a new car!” “Wow I would love to be your neighbor,” another commenter said — and so do we. The video creator replied, “Well, my next-door neighbors’ house is for sale!” “That is freaking awesome,” another commenter said. “Bravo!” Finally, when asked how Christmas time looks for them, the video creator said, “Oh Christmas time is just crazy!”