This video shows off a robotic dog on the red carpet that’s covered almost completely in a black, opaque cloth — almost like hosiery. It looks quite a bit like the Boston Dynamics’ robotic dogs. However, there’s one major difference between those “scary” drones and this particular robot: this one has a rocket launcher strapped to its back.


Thank goodness it isn’t seen in action, because the imagery of this robotic weapon is unsettling enough as it is, thanks to KINGSUNZAMANRA2 on TikTok. The account claims that this robot is known as the M-81 and it is capable of (obviously) striking targets and carrying ammunition for other troops. It also looks like it could be quite fast based on how quickly and efficiently its legs move. Also, the robot is confirmed to be legitimate by The Independent, and is actually a Chinese pet robot modified by a Russian technology group to house the weaponry seen in the video. The robot was recently shown off at an Army-2022 international arms expo in Russia. Why is it covered? Most likely to reduce the likelihood of secrets getting out about specifically which kind of robot is being used and how by releasing this video footage and trotting the robot out among the public in a convention setting. We think one comment sums up exactly how we feel about this news: “Ever seen that episode of Black Mirror with the robot dog?” a commenter asked with a nervous sweat emoji. We 100% feel that one … deeply.