So if you aren’t already doing this, start looking at what it is that lights up your fire. What topics get you all excited? What subjects do people come running over to hear more about after class/training/meeting/etc.? Whatever those things may be, use them as inspiration for writing new blog posts! And remember: passion doesn’t always mean being all fired up and excited—sometimes it’s quieter than that—but no matter how subtle or strong-willed your feelings might be, they can still make a huge difference in the quality of your blog posts!

2. Create A Catchy Headline

You should never underestimate the importance of a catchy headline. The first impression is everything and you need to grab your reader’s attention right away. Your headline should be short, relevant, informative, and unique. While writing headlines can be quite challenging at times, there are some tips that will help you create a catchy one:

Keep it short and sweet. A good rule of thumb is to keep your headlines between five and nine words long Don’t over-use buzzwords or clichés in the headline (e.g., “The best [blank] on the market”) as they tend to get really spammy really fast. While you want the keyword of your subject included, don’t engage in “keyword stuffing.” Avoid using “clickbait” headlines, i.e., those that exaggerate or misleadingly suggest something about what’s inside the post (e.g., “This One Thing Will Completely Change Your Life”)

3. Avoid Distractions and Noises

So, you’ve decided to write. You’re going to be working in a quiet place, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You might have roommates or family members that think it’s perfectly acceptable to watch TV while they’re reading their books just a few feet away from your desk—or worse yet, play music loudly with no regard for how it impacts your concentration level. It’s tempting to throw up your hands and say, “I can’t concentrate because of all these distractions!” But no matter how much noise there is around you, there are still ways that allow you to stay focused on what matters most: writing blog posts!

4. Add Visuals/Images

You should also try to make your content more visually appealing. You can do this by adding images or videos to break up the text, as well as using images to illustrate a point. And, of course, there’s no harm in using images that are relevant to the content you’re talking about either—as long as they are relevant! So what constitutes an appropriate image? The best advice we can give is to use whatever seems most appropriate for your blog post. In other words: don’t just throw any image onto your page because it looks nice, but instead choose one that fits with what you’re trying to say and will help readers understand it better (and maybe even read the whole story).

5. Use Subheadings

Use subheadings (H2) to break up the content, highlight the main points and make your blog easier to read. If you add the appropriate keywords to these headers, it is good for search engine optimization (SEO), meaning your blog will show up more in relevant Google searches.

H3 Subheadings

You can subdivide even further into H3 subheadings. This is a great way for readers to quickly scan your post and find what they are looking for.

6. Write More Than 900 Words

When it comes to word count, you have several options: 900 words are the minimum and 2,000 words are the maximum. If you’re writing a blog post that’s under 900 words, you should make sure that your topic isn’t too complex or difficult to explain in such a short amount of time. It can be challenging to cover all of the main points in such little space—so make sure they’re there! For example, if your article is about how Facebook handles users’ personal information when they die (it does so by removing their profiles), then it would probably be wise not to try and cram everything into less than 600 words; instead, simply write about what Facebook does instead of how it does it.

7. Proofread and Edit Your Post (Copyedit)

Proofreading and editing a post before publishing it is an essential part of blog writing. You need to make sure that your post has no grammatical or spelling mistakes, or else people will lose their trust in your website or blog. As you write, ask yourself:

Does this sentence make sense?

8. Try to Add Value to the Reader’s Life

When you write a blog, it’s very important to try to add value to your reader’s life. Here are some things that you can do:

Add content that is relevant and interesting to your readers. These might be tips on how they can make money or get more traffic on their blogs. You could also write about something that they have been searching for or researching recently on Google. Write a blog post that has the potential of going viral, meaning it will be shared through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, etc.

9. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is one of the most important aspects of a blog. If you don’t know who they are, how can you write to them? The key here is knowing what they want, what they are looking for, what their pain points are, demographics, and the challenges they face on a daily basis. This may sound like an impossible task if you have never written for an audience before, but with some research and trial and error, it’ll become second nature in no time.

10. Write as You Talk

Writing in a conversational tone, even on the web, is one of the best ways to be clear and concise while also keeping your readers engaged. When writing, ask yourself: Would I say this out loud? If the answer is “no,” then revise! Here are some tips for making sure that you write as you talk:

Write in short sentences (five or fewer words) and use simple words whenever possible. Use simple structures when writing sentences—for example, instead of using compound sentences (two independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunction), try using a sentence fragment or an adverbial clause instead. The same goes for complex subject-verb agreement; if possible, simply leave out the unnecessary word altogether!

The Creative Freedom of Blogging

Blogging is a creative way to write your feelings and share them in your space. It’s a great way to express yourself, connect with others, share your knowledge and build your brand. After time and practice, blogging can also help you make money. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Ayush Chudasama

Top 10 Effective Blog Writing Tips for Beginners - 52Top 10 Effective Blog Writing Tips for Beginners - 75